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The night when chaeyoung fall asleep alone.

That girl already at her car wanna leave chaeyoung alone, but she turn her back and went to chaeyoung. She bend down and cares her hair. She smile and her heart beat fast.

"Wake up my chaengie. Don't sleep here, let's go home." She said softly.

Chaeyoung groan and rub her eyes. When the view not blur anymore, she shocked. "You.... what are you doing here?" She can't believe she meet her again.

She look down and sigh. "I know you will never love me or accept me, but don't i your friend too before? I miss our friendship chaeng. Please forgive me." She hold her hand and her tears drop.

Chaeyoung feel guilty. She know this girl is one of the reason she can smile back when mina cause a pain to her back then. She also the reason i gain back my strength to live. She my everything but i'm not realize that. She the one who stand with me through the winds and rainy day. She still stood beside me to hold on me. I stare at her and remind back myself that she the one who always with her when she need someone the most. When jennie sick she is there. When mina break her heart she is there for me. When my grandma leave me she's there to. But when she confess to me, i felt guilty, that guiltiness ghosting me untill this day. I reject the most lovely and perfect person in this world. "No miyeon. I'm sorry. I make you suffer and cry a lot. But never make me cry." She look down.

Miyeon look at her and lift her face up. She smile to her. "No chaengie, i just want our friendship back no more than that, i  promise. I can't see you crying again. I want to put smile on your face like i always do back then when we in highschool. I miss my chaengie so much." She hug chaeyoung and her heart really beating fast. Even she know when she confess she love jennie and mina. She accept that fact because what she had done to chaeyoung still not enough to make her fall for her but she glad chaeyoung always see what she had done and she know chaeyoung appreciated it. She release the hug and smile. "Let's go home okay. Don't sleep here. I will bring you to your house." She hold chaeyoung hand and help her to stand.

Chaeyoung wipe her tears and smile. She gladly accept her hand. She glad miyeon is here with her. She know miyeon will never leave her side like that her lovers one did. "Okay." She said simple and get in the car.

Miyeon smile and drive away.


Right after chaeyoung leave her. She just want to be alone and she asked all of them to leave her alone. She confuse about her feelings and confuse about should she regret what she had done or she need to appologize to chaeyoung.

Suddenly a knock on the door make mina shocked and curious who is that. A girl go inside and look down while walking toward mina. She feel guilty for what happen today.

Mina feel mad and hate to remind herself what she saw in the kitchen earlier. "What are you doing here?" She use her cold voice.

Eunha shocked and gulp. "Mina listen to me first. Please just give me a minutes only to explain." She begging for mina times.

Mina scoff. "You the reason i hate chaeyoung. You the reason i hate myself now. So please go!" She mad at her.

Eunha trembling a bit whe she mad. "Sorry mina. It's not her fault! It's my fault. Your eyes blind!" She fire back at mina with braveness she had. She clench her fist and about to punch this coward girl.

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