it's alright♡

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After all class of morning subject. They walking together to cafeteria first, but they heading to momo, sana and mina class first.
Momo and sana walk to their partner while somi and chaeyoung just stand far a bit from them.

Chaeyoung glance on mina once in the classroom. She saw, she happy talking with bambam and that guy keep rubbing her tummy. I feel hurt by that action and i walking first leave them there.

Mina notice chaeyoung walking past through her class. I just staring at her.

They follow chaeyoung. And they sit at their usual place. But chaeyoung accidently sit facing the cafeteria door. And of course it's revealing those couple who just flirting infront of her earlier. I saw mina walking inside while holding hand with that bambam. I just sigh and go order my food. I cameback with two strawberry milk on my hand, i about to give it to mina but that bambam hand her chocolate milk first. I just sit back at my chair and eat my food.

Dahyun see chaeyoung bring two milk. "Is that for me?" I smile to her.

Chaeyoung sigh and give to her. "Yes!" I use my deep voice and i eating my foods silently.

Mina keep her eyes on her foods. And bambam suddenly hand me chocolate milk even i'm not a fan of chocolate milk when i get  pregnant, i just take it and glance at chaeyoung.

"Mina want to try this?" Bambam offer the foods i hate, she offer me french fries. I hate that since i'm pregnant. I'm about to eat that but. I saw chaeng walking to us.

Chaeyoung got pissed by those two action, i walking to their table and leave the food infront of mina. "Don't give her that." I push the food close to her and glare at bambam."Eat a lot." I about to leave but she call me making me stop and face her.

Mina stare at her foods. "Chaeng." I call her and she stop. "Thanks" i smile.

Chaeyoung sigh and nod. "Eat something you like, if don't just refuse. Don't force yourself." I glance at bambam and i leave them there.

Dahyun, tzuyu and somi follow her.

Sana and momo confuse by all of them actions today.

"You think what happen to them?" Sana ask momo and glance at bambam and mina who is eating separated from them.

"But did you notice chaeng and mina? Why mina choose bambam over than chaeyoung." Momo keep looking at those two.

"Let's go to mina and have a talk with her?" Sana said and momo nod.

They walking to mibam table and look at those two.

"Did you mind if i want to talk to mina for a while?" Sana said a bit annoyed.

Bambam glance at them and nod. Mina excuse herself to their table.

"What happen?" Mina asked them like nothing happen.

Momo and sana glance at each other and confuse.

"What happen to you and chaeng?" Momo ask a bit mad.

Sana keep glare at her and cross her arms.

Mina gulp and play with her fingers.
"I...i...i have a fight with chaeng." Mina said a bit sad.

Sana and momo shocked. Sana hug mina. But after that she release the hug and start to questioning mina.

"What happen mina? I always wonder why you always with bambam." Sana said and glare at her.

Mina gulp and momo hit sana head.

"Yah! Let her explain first." Momo glare at sana.

Sana rub her head and still mad at mina. "Tell us now."

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