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Chaeyoung, dahyun and tzuyu went to their class after the meeting.


Chaeyoung wait for mina outside her class but when she wait for mina, she see mina talking with bambam happily. They also went out together. She didn't even notice me.

"Mina?" I call her but she ignored my call and bid her goodbye to bambam. "Are you okay with him already?"

Mina scoff. "If yes why? He still the one who i love before, you think it's easy to forget first love."

Chaeyoung feel hurt by her answer. "Emm you want to go somewhere first?" I walk beside her.

Mina sigh. "Can we stop by bookstore first, i need some new note book."

Chaeyoung smile and nod. "Okay." I open her car door and buckle her sit belt and drive away.


Chaeyoung just follow mina but suddenly one book caught her eyes. "Should i buy this. I think i should." I grab it and i see mina at counter. I put my book and ask her to wait in the car because i will pay those books. After i pay, i went to car and drive home.

Mina feel craving right now. "Emmm chaeng i want to eat something can i?" I ask shyly.

Chaeyoung smile. "Don't be so cute mina just tell me are you craving something?"

Mina nod slowly and pouting. "I want strawberry pleaseeeee."

Chaeyoung nod and smile to her. "Let's stop at supermarker before heading home, we still need some groceries."

Mina nod and staring outside the window.

Chaeyoung park her car and went inside with mina.

Mina just walk beside chaeyoung and when i see strawberry my eyes become shining. "Can i take it?"

Chaeyoung giggle. "Just take as many you want mina." I said.

Mina nod and take 3 packets strawberry.

A minutes later they finish do grocery and went home.


Chaeyoung put groceries on their place and wash some strawberry for mina. I bring it to her room. I knock first before get inside.

"Come in." Mina said.

Chaeyoung come in and close the door. "Here your strawberry mina." I place on her small table. "Enjoy and if you need anything i will be at my room."i leave her there and went to my room.

Mina take it and eat it happily while rubbing her tummy. "Why you always want to eat strawberry baby, you just like chaeng who love strawberry so much." I giggle.


Chaeyoung went in her room and take that book she bought earlier. " you're going to be a mom. Hemm nice book." I read it untill hours and don't mind what time is it untill a knock on my door. "Ouh coming!" I put the book and open the door. "Yes?"

Mina crying and hug chaeyoung. "I'm scared, don't leave me please."

Chaeyoung confuse and i heard raining and thunder outiside. "Are you scared of thunder? Come inside and sleep beside me." I drag her inside and she lay beside me while i'm continue reading that book.

Mina glance at the book cover. "Yah you read pregnancy book? What a type."

Chaeyoung chuckle. "Emmm hehe that's fun you should read it too and you know you must eat a lot so you not going to lack of energy okay." I rub her nose.

Mina blushing.

After long silent mina break the silent.

"I'm sorry chaeng." Mina said.

Chaeyoung put her book away and look at her. "What are you saying mina? Why feel sorry? You don't have to say that, i'm the one should say that."

Mina drop her tears. "I should not being harsh to you, i'm just too selfish, and i i i."

Chaeyoung kiss her lips and pull out. "Stop talking or i will kiss you again."

Mina blushing and look down.

Suddenly a big thunder coming and mina hug chaeyoung because she scared.

"Yahhh chaeng! I'm scared." I close my eyes.

Chaeyoung stroke her hair slowly. "Sleep mina, i will always be here. I'm all yours." I kiss her head.

Mina pouting. "Can i sleep on you pleaseeeee"

Chaeyoung giggle and lay down, i put her head on my chest and stroking her hair. "Sleep okay, i will wake you up later."

Mina slowly drift to sleep, she feel comfort place on chaeng chest. She feel safe be in her embrace.


Chaeyoung serve their dinner and went to mina. I open my door and see that penguin still sleeping. I poking her cheeks slowly to wake her up. "Mina wake up time to eat dinner."

Mina groan slowly and rubbing her eyes. "Emmmmm what's time is it?"

Chaeyoung giggle looking how cute this penguin. "7 p.m you sleep long today and enjoy sleeping on me?" I smirk.

Mina blush. "So you don't like it when i try to be good with you or you don't want any chance. Okay i will always being hating you and not forg..."

Chaeyoung kiss her and pull out. "If you talk about that again i will kiss you again, stop talking and let's eat, i know my baby hungry because mommy sleep too long." I rub her tummy and hold her hand.

Mina feel butterflies inside her tummy and her heart beating so fast.

Chaeyoung pull out the chair and let mina sit first and she sit on her chair. "Try eat that  i'm not a good cooker but i learn few dishes."

Mina take spoon of her pasta and eat it. "Emmmm chaeng it's delicious. Thanks. Baby will like it."

Chaeyoung just smile. "My pleasure to serve my wife and my baby." I eat mine and i admit it's delicious tho.

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