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🐯🐧~ 《fourth days》


Morning come and those two lover hugging each body to spread the warm on their body. One of them groan and open her eyes.

Chaeyoung groan and she feel heavy things that press on top of her body. She rub her eyes and when it's clear. She saw mina who is sleeping while hugging her body is enough to statisfied her. She smiling when she remember about that night when they making love after 3 years they never done that. She remover her hair that covering her face carefully not to wake up the princess. "Beautiful." She mumble and kiss her forehead. 'I hope we always be like this forever. Wake up every each morning with you is the best thing ever.'

Mina groan when she feel something touch her skin. She open her eyes and lift up her face and rub her eyes. When all things clear she saw chaeyoung smiling with her cute dimple enough to make me her smile. "Morning my baby cub." She said and kiss her cheek.

Chaeyoung still can feel her naked body on her. She smile hearing that nickname. "Morning my minari." She cares her cheek. "Thanks for last night." She thankful with that.

Mina snuggle more onto her neck. "I'm still tired."

But suddenly a little knock on their door making them nervous.

"Mommy." Seyoung call her and about to cry.

Mina widen her eyes and as well chaeyoung. They stare at each other and begin to find their clothes. They help each other wearing clothes and they become more worried when they heard seyoung crying.

Chaeyoung open the door and revealing crying seyoung holding her teddy. Chaeyoung carry her and bring her to mina.

"Awwww baby why are you crying." Mina said and hugging her.

Seyoung sobbing. "I'm scared, no one at house." She crying again.

Mina look at chaeyoung and mouth something. "Her milk. Thank you." She said and stroking her hair.

Chaeyoung nod understand and she leave mina and seyoung. When she being around house she see a note on kitchen cabinet. She take it and it's from mina's mom telling that she not gonna be home today. "So mom going to meet her friends today." She smile and making a milk for seyoung. After minutes she went back to mina room.

Mina smile when chaeyoung coming with seyoung's milk. Chaeyoung give it to her and mina feed seyoung.

"Your mom leave a note that saying she went to out with her friends. I was thinking that, I want to invite dahyun and tzuyu today. Can i minari???" Chaeyoung said and smiling.

Mina can even resist that. "Okay. Ask them to bring their wifes too." She giggle.

Chaeyoung kiss her cheek and smile. But seyoung groan and play with mina finger. Mina smile and smiling. "Look chaeng, baby seyoung is jealous."

Chaeyoung pinch seyoung cheek and smile. "Mommy just only for you baby." She wink at mina and make her way to going out.

Mina chuckle and staring at seyoung. 'Why i feel this is wrong. Does she really love me now. What if she just toying me? What if she just want me because she feel pity? What if she just feel concern because am i too desperated.' She thougth and begin to worried.

Seyoung finish her milk and sit on mina lap. "Mommy." She call mina and smile.

Mina humming softly. "Hmmm."

Seyoung smile. "I love you." She hug mina.

Mina smile and stroke her hair. "I love you too baby." 'I promise myself i'm gonna gain back my memories.'

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