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It's been 2 weeks since the last day chaeyoung and mina meet each other. And two of them crying and missing each other everydays and everynights. Their heart desperated to meet each other but their selfishness and ego not letting them meet each other. And since the day chaeyoung leave the house, seyoung keep stressing mina on high level for asking about her daddy every second even she not really know what is going on.

"Mommy. Where is daddy." Seyoung sad and look down.

Mina so stress about this question. She bored listen to the same questions every day, every minutes, and every second. She sigh heavily and give her the mad face. "Can you stop asking the person who leaving us. She is not your dad!" She utter madly at seyoung.

The toddler scared and her tears already drop. "But, daddy said. She not gonna leave me. You lying mommy!"

Mina can't hold this anymore. She give a slap on her face. She shouldn't did this because she only 3 years old. An innocent toddler who want her daddy. She shocked and keep staring at her hand. She look at seyoung who is crying hard on the floor. "Baby..." she about to touch seyoung but she run away from her. What she heard is..

"I hate mommy." She run away while crying and hug mrs myoui.

Mina gulp and see mrs myoui disappointed face. 'Sorry. I'm sorry.'

"Mina sweety. Bambam is here. He's said. His wanna clear everything." She hug seyoung and bring her away.

Mina sigh and her head hurt. She walking slowly to bambam and sit infront of him. "What." She utter with coldness in her voices.

Bambam look at her and take a breath before talk. "I cause the accident." He's tell her and look down.

Mina head hurt listen to this.


Mina pov

She driving and suddenly her phone ringing. She pick up and annoyed. "What you want bambam. I told you we're over. You know i love chaeyoung." She utter madly.

Bambam scoff and smirk. "If you dare to do that i'm dare to hurt chaeyoung and seyoung. Choices on your hand mina. Marry with me yes or yes."

Mina on the other line shocked untill her phone loosen from her hand and fall down. She try to picking it up and she decided to not look at the road for awhile but that times she lose control and begin to drive on the opposite side of road and meet with the truck.

Bambam on the other line heard that mina screaming and a crash sound. He's sweating and choke by his saliva. "Mina!" He's shout and throw away his phone. He's panic and nervous. His breath become heavy and more heavy.


Mina can't believe this. She slap bambam face. "You know what. You a coward. You make chaeyoung blame herself for cause this accident. I hate you." She about to leave but bambam grab her wist and he's stand as well.

Mina pull her hand and glare at him. "What more bambam. You destroy my life already. What did you want more."

Bambam sigh and feel guilty. "I i still love you. I know i make mistake and everyone did it. So please forgive me. Please marry me." He is beging.

Mina smile. "You know what listen to your dirty words make me feel drowsy. So please go home. I want to rest. Never dream we will be together because we never be bambam. I hate you at the first place." She leave him there and went to her room.

Bambam sigh and rub his face. 'I will make you mine soon mina. Wait for me.' He is smirk and leave the house.

Meanwhile chaeyoung pov

Chaeyoung already start to work. "Joy can you cancel my meeting later. I need to meet someone later." She ask and leave.

Joy bow at her and does what she asked for.

Chaeyoung get in her car and drive away.


Miyeon waiting for chaeyoung to come and when she see that face walking toward her, she smile and hug her. "How's your day?" She sit.

Chaeyoung smile and sit beside her. "Good i guess." She look down.

Miyeon rub her back and hold her hand. "Chaeng. Let it  go. Don't hold that anymore. It's just gonna hurt you again. I can't bear seeing you hurt again."

Chaeyoung smile at her. "It's not easy to forget the love we expect to be the love for the rest of our life. I miss her." She confess and sad.

Miyeon feel hurt. "Chaeng. You have me. Use me to forget all the pain. I can do it for you even at the end i will regret and get my heart broken." She look at chaeyoung with full of hopes.

Chaeyoung smile and cares her cheek. "Miyeon don't put you kindness as flirting and your attention as love. You can bear it...but i can't miyeon... i don't want that heart hurt again beacause of me. I'm broken and hurt but i will never heal it with hurting someone else heart."

Miyeon let go of her hand and walk away.

Chaeyoung gulp and she backhug miyeon. "If you still ask me to love you with the force way, i will say no. But....*she turn miyeon to facing her.* if you let me to learn how to love you i will say yes. I love you miyeon. The past, i'm a fool for leaving you. I realize now that your the one who keep standing with me even when a big winds come hit me. A big waves come and hit me. A heavy rain come and hit me.....but you there, to comfort my heart. The give your warmest into it. You put love inside but i'm to blind by someone love untill i don't see it, your the one who keep be with me. So please forgive me."

Miyeon shocked and feel sad. "You late chaeng. Why you take to long to say this. You make me feel like i'm nothing to you after that day. But when your grandma leave you why did you find me? Is that because i'm just your comfort place. I think i'm fool to loving you. But i don't care about that anymore. Like what i said i will always forgive you because i don't want to lose you." She hug chaeyoung and cry.

Chaeyoung feel like she betrayed her heart in love game but she does what she want not her heart want. She release the hug and wipe her tears. "Don't waste it anymore." She smile and she hold her cheek ans bring her lips to her.

Miyeon shocked at first but she put her hand on her waist and sharing the lovely kiss.

Chaeyoung tears drop as well because she just kissing someone else. She try to give her love to someone that her heart don't want.

Sorry if lame..just bear with this story. I promise it's gonna be michaeng at the end...i just want to make it like a love war!! Wait for more okay..💗💗 leave your vote🐯🐧

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