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Chaeyoung feel hard to go when she become like this to me. I turn around and unwrap her hand slolwy. "Mina let me go please." I said slowly but she crying and listen to every her sobbing and seeing every tears that drop it's really broke my heart. I went closer to her and wipe her tears slowly. "Why must you crying, stop wasting your diamond specially for loser like me."

Mina staring into her eyes and hold her cheek. "Please don't leave me, i'm sorry chaeng, i'm lose and drown into that stupid first love, you're right it's stupid. I just realize how numb is me for hurting you, my heart just want you chaeyoung, please don't go anywhere, i can't bear losing you because i love you, i love you with all my heart."

Chaeyoung smile and remove her hand but not let it go. "Listen mina, you're pretty dumb if you think i never cared because god knows how many times i broke my own heart just for you. I literally cry and wipe my own tears, pick my own self back up, and keep going cause nobody is gonna rub my back and say it's gonna be okay. I'm sorry old key won't open new doors. You understand what imma trying to say mina. Someday you'll cry for me like i cried for you, someday you'll miss me like i missed you, someday you'll need me like i needed you, someday you'll love me but i don't love you anymore, sorry." I let go her hand and about to go.

Mina hold her hand tightly. "Please i'm begging don't leave me, if you insist give me 7 days please, i promise i will prove my love pleaseee." She begging.

Chaeyoung sigh and turn around. "Okay i will accept thay but if my love gone that's mean you gone and dead to me." I let her hand go and went downstair. I lay my back on couch. "Only 7 days chaeyoung." She mumble and sleep.

Mina laying back and crying. "I love you chaeyoung, i really did when i said that. I really mean it. Your the only one who can fullfil this empty in my myself." I sleep while hugging her cloth.

Tomorrow morning. Chaeyoung wake up with dizziness. Chaeyoung went to her room and heard something inside her bathroom. I rush to mina who is vomit. I hold her hair and rub her back.

Mina wash her mouth and wipe it.

"Are you okay?" I ask her worriedly and guard her to bed.

Mina just smile. "I'm okay." She look down and about to crying.

Chaeyoung feel bad. "Is that hurt? Wanna go to nayeon unnie?"

Mina rub her tummy and sobbing. "I just miss you." She whisper.

Chaeyoung heard that and feel bad about that. I lift her face up and wipe her tears. "Hey don't crying."

Mina just stare at her. "I'm sorry chaeyoung, you must be happy because i cry for you and it's really hurt. I can feel how you feel when i did that to you."

Chaeyoung sigh. "Mina listen i stay because i think about my child. Please don't blame yourself again and again, take care youself." I wipe her tears and leave her.

Mina just staring at chaeyoung who is leaving her. "It's hurt chaeng i can feel it now. I'm sorry for what i does before."


Chaeyoung went to somewhere that she can release all her pain. "ARGHHHHH MINA!" I screaming until my tears dry. I sit on the ground and staring at the sea. 'I love you mina but it's just hurting me if i still love you, i need to learn how to let you go. I will let you go mina, only 6 days, i will never fall for you.' I close my eyes but suddenly a bright light hit my face making me groan.

"My baby wake up."

Chaeyoung see her again, she coming again. I just feel her touch on my cheek. I really miss this person so much. "Mommy." I close my eyes.

Mrs son caress her cheek slowly. "Why you wanna give up on her? Every night i listen to all your story. I know how hard to wipe your own tears, to pickup yourself back up. Everythings is hurt even loving her is hurt but listen cub. Once you love her you need to be ready to face all the challenges would come and hit you. No matter what you must be strong and fight for her and your baby too. But if that cross the line already, forget about it and build your new life."

Chaeyoung got hit by her mother words. She open her eyes and stand properly. "She right but i'm weak, i can't even fight for them i'm sorry mina, i don't love you anymore." I clinch my fist and punch that tree and went back to my car.

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