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Tzuyu send sana home first and i bring mina somewhere. It's the place where is their parent and chaeng's mom have been keep.

Mina confuse and just follow her. "What are we doing here?"

Tzuyu sign me to silent. "Shhhhh just follow me." I whisper to her.

Mina nod and heard a voices, it's a sobbing and crying voices. I listen to that voices.


"Mommy, i can't fullfil your promise, i'm a coward, i'm a loser, i'm not good enough to be with her. She to way more perfect for me. I need to let her go, i'm tired waiting for her." I hit my chest and crying in silent. "It's hurt me mina, i just want to loving you but why you keep pushing me away from you, i'm tired for waiting your love. I hurt a lot and i want to escape from this stupid feelings i don't care if i have to be alone. I just miss you, the way your smile. Your smile can bright my day, when the first time i saw you and your smile at that party i feel like my whole world change, you change my darkness inside my heart, you bring the light with those pretty smile. *i chuckle* your eyes mina, it's so pretty, the ways you look at me i feel loved mina, but when i see tears escape from those pretty lens i will blame my self for hurting those eyes. But when at that party i saw your tears even not me who did that but still i will blame my self for those tears. *i smile sadly* your touch mina, your touch make me feel like this world stop. I just wanna be with you all the time, to feelings all your touch but it's not for me, it's for your first love because you hate me. Mina your breath, listening to those make me realize i have someone that i need to live for, that the reason why i still live even you keep hurting me. Mina your voices, your voices i could hear all day, that is so sweet and soft. Even you shouting at me you cold voice still the sweetest voices i ever heard. Mina fall for me please, please stop hurting me, please stop hating me, please let me pour your heart with my true love, please cherish my first love for you, please heal this pain mina, please, please, please mina i'm begging you. I miss you mina, i love you. I want my love just more deeper than deep sea, i want my love can bring happines to you, i want my love can throw those darkness in your heart, i want my love make you to forgive me. Mina i really sorry, i wish if i can say all of this to you, but i'm a coward i don't have that braveness, even i'm not chase you when you run from me. You not see me the way i see you mina, what you see in me is just hate." I crying and sleeping while hugging my knee.


Mina listen every single her words and her crack voices, her sobbing those really hurt me so much, i cursed her to much pain but i just keep hurting her and hating her. 'I'm sorry chaeng.' I heard she stop talking and i see her sleeping alone, hurt and the pain she bring with her into her silent sleep. I want to go to her but tzuyu stop me. I can see tears already escape from her eyes and also mine.

Tzuyu hold mina arm and shake her head. "Let's go home, she need to be alone mina, please." I wipe my tears.

Mina glance again at chaeyoung and nod at tzuyu. 'Sorry chaeyoung, i'm sorry for all the pain you had being through.' I follow tzuyu and crying silently in car. "Can you send me at chaeng's house."

Tzuyu nod and drive away.

After drop mina tzuyu went to her house.

Mina just lock the door and went to chaeyoung room and laying on her bed while crying. "I'm sorry chaeng, because of my selfishness you the one who being hurt. Sorry chaeyoung." She sleeping while hugging chaeyoung cloth.


It's 3 a.m she wake up and slowly stand up. "I will go home first mom." I said and drive to my house. After a long drive i arrived at my house but when i went inside i can feel something. Something that i really miss is here. I just ignored that inner self and went to my room. I open the door and when i see she laying down on my bed while hugging my cloth i feel like i hurt her. I bend down to her and i figure her face closer. I smile while staring at her. "I don't want to get attached to anyone anymore, in the end it only destroy me. I'm sorry mina, i love you but you force me to unlove you." I care her hair slowly. "I hope you gonna be a good mother, i must let you go for your own happiness." I whisper to her and kiss her forehead but after i try to leave i feel a hand wrap around my waist.

Mina feel someone close to her and when i see chaeyoung i hug her waist.

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