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Bambam take a glance at mina who is focusing on chaeyoung. He admit that he jealous and what can he do, back then she used to love chaeyoung and i think untill now she never unloved chaeyoung. I do think i need to fix something and it might gonna break mine but it's okay for her happiness i bear to face all the pain.

"You look happy mina." Bambam whisper to her and mina look down stop smiling.

"What are you talking about?" Mina ask him and take a sip of her juice.

Bambam smile. "Nothing, i love seeing you smile often like this. I hope after this you will often show your gummy smile like earlier, especially for me." He wink.

Mina just smile and nod slowly. 'Why i don't feel anything toward him. Oh gosh, how can i break his heart but how can i break mine too.'

Chaeyoung went to their table back and sit at her place. "I didn't expect i get this." She smile and proud of herself. "I wish my mom see this, also jennie." She sigh and sad.

Dahyun and tzuyu rub her back.

"We're here and we proud of you cub. Keep maintain this work." Dahyun said and smile.

"Dahyun right, we all family and we proud of you. You not longer our little cub, you're our baby cub." They laugh.

Chaeyoung pouting. "Yeah, does it's sound same! I'm big now! No more babying me. I'm a dad now." She realize what she just told them.

They all silent after heard that. They look down and mina look at chaeyoung and her heart beat fast.

Chaeyoung look at mina. "I need to take fresh air." She leave their table and went to roof top to take fresh air.

Meanwhile mina tried to reach her and excuse herself after chaeyoung out of her sight. She went to the way chaeyoung does. I saw she standing there and closing her eyes. I went closer to her and back hug her.

Chaeyoung shocked when she feel a hands wrap around her body. She open her eyes and she heard sobbing.

Mina crying. "Please stay."

Chaeyoung take a deep breath before turn around after she heard that sweet voice that she really miss. She unwrap the hug and facing her. I can't seeing her in this state. "Mina, why are you here?" She avoid her eyes.

Mina still staring into her eyes even she tried to avoid it. "Look at me chaeng."

Chaeyoung pretend she not listen to it and she tried to leave. Mina hold her hand and hold tight on it.

"Chaeng, if you really don't love me anymore, please look at me." Mina said and sobbing.

Chaeyoung can't hold this pain anymore. She turn around and pull her into my embrace. "Shhhh stop crying, i hate seeing you're crying." She stroke her hair.

Mina put her head on chaeyoung chest and listen to every single her heart beat that beating super fast just like how the first day i listen to it. "Sorry." That's all come out from her mouth.

Chaeyoung wipe her tears and kiss her both eyes. "Don't said that. Please mina, stop all of this, don't torture yourself. Stop waiting for me. Stop hurting yourself. Stop making me as a reason why you in pain." She said and look down.

Mina hold her cheek. "Look at me please. Look into this eyes." She staring into her eyes.

Chaeyoung decided to give up and see her eyes that shining and full of pain. "Why you make me feel like this. You getting marry mina, stop make me feel loved from you because it's the worst pain ever." She take away her hand and walk again.

"One more step we're over!" Mina said and chaeyoung stop. She take a deep breath while holding back her tears and hold her chest because it's hurt.

"If your love really gone for me, look into my eyes and say you don't love me anymore!" She said with crack in her voices and chaeyoung turn around. Mina nervous and her breath already fast when chaeyoung walking closer to her.

Chaeyoung look straight into her eyes and her tears already drop one by one. "Myoui mina is dead forever. She never exist in my life. I never fall in love with her. We don't know each other. I don't love her." She said and run away from her.

Mina fall on her knee and crying. "I hate you son chaeyoung. But hate for me mean love." She sobbing and keep blaming herself for losing chaeyoung for forever.

Bambam saw everything and i stop chaeyoung. "You jerk!" He's said and punch her face hard. "How dare you make her crying when she love you! Look into her eyes does her eyes lie! Cause eyes never lie! I can see it she love you!" He punch her again.

Chaeyoung receive two hard punch and i push him. "If you really love her go to her! Make her feel love not pain! Thanks for telling me this. I know that eyes, i can see it too! But you don't understand how i feel, how it's hurt when the one we love so much just leave us when they not ready to love you! Does it make sense! She love you before she meet me, why you hurt her? I heal her heart but i receive a broken heart. Go comfort her." She leave bambam and went straight to her car. She punch the steering and crying. "This fucking feelings! I hate myself for hurting you!"

Meanwhile mina pov

Mina saw that bambam does to chaeyoung. I  saw he walking to me. "Why bambam?" I ask him and look down.

Bambam sigh and not dare to look at her. "Mianhe mina, i need to stop hurting you and myself. If you love her, go and get her back. Sorry for being selfish. I just want to keep you as mine when your heart not with me. I'm a real coward here. She not. She never being that one."

Mina hold his hand. "Her love gone for me. I promise to myself i will accept you and your love. Thanks for always be here for me. Let's get marry bambam." She said that even her heart denying about that.

Bambam shocked and don't know what to do. Should he feels happy or sad about this. But he just nod and hug her.

Mina take a deep breath. 'I hate myself for hurting you chaeng.'

~Those eyes never lie when we look at someone, it's sparkling and no one can see you the way they look at you.~ 🐯🐧

Leave your votes for me.💛🖤💜🐯🐧 i'm scared to publish this chapter but i like this chapter and hope you like it too.💛🥺

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