Behind All Those Smile♡

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Tzuyu went closer to her and bambam. I grab her hand and drag her somewhere. I push her gentle to let go of her hand. Mina just keep stare at her.

"Why don't you chase that coward cub of yours!" Mina shout at her.

Tzuyu just smile to her but the sad one. "I can't believe you let her go just like that! You stupid mina! HOW DARE YOU!" tzuyu pin her on the wall.

Mina keep walking backward and she bump onto the wall and avoiding anger gaze from tzuyu. "What you want!" I shout back and she back off.

Tzuyu back off a bit and tears already drop on her cheeks. "I don't want because of you, our cub being like the old time. I don't want that happen and that will never happen! As long i'm with her mina! I will not let a girl like you destroy our precious cub! Don't you see mina, she cried, she already did it after years! You make her realize that it's okay to cry once and let it go. Not to keep in heart only! You just broke the wall that she build years ago, she did that because she want you to go inside and heal her broken heart for years ago. You don't know that you call coward need to faces when she only 4 years old mina! I clearly remember all those moments" tzuyu shouting on her face madly.


4 yead old chaeyoung hug her mom waist and not letting her go. "Mommy don't go please, i want you here with me, i want you to hug me and put me on the bed tonight. All those monster will coming if you not here." Chaeyoung already crying hard.

Mrs Son stop walking and hug her little cub. She carrying and humming a soft song just to let her stop crying and feel safe. It's hard for mrs son to leave this cub alone because she the only one her child after the struggle she faces just to bring this precious cub into this world. She need to do ivf to have this cub and she just the only one child she can feel to carry in her womb.

"Honey, we need to go now or your flight will be cancel." Mr son said.

Mrs Son nod and about to let her go but she hold more tight and sobbing. "Baby, mommy only go for 3 days, you still have dad, tzuyu and dahyun here."

Chaeyoung face her mommy and crying again. "I feel like you never come home after this, please don't go, please mommy." She hug mrs Son again.

Mrs Son not notice her tears drop also. She never leave chaeyoung alone, she always be by her side. I don't know why she not letting me go and my heart also telling me to stay with her but i need to go. "Baby, trust me, i will always stay in here even how far i go.* she put cub hand and her hand on cub chest* promise me you will always waiting for me." Mrs Son smile even deep inside her heart she don't want to leave the most innocent cub that she carry for 9 months in her tummy and being with her for 4 years without being far. She the only one i treasure the most and she is where i found pure love inside her. I kiss all over her face and hand her to her nanny. I kiss tzuyu and dahyun cheeks before leave. But when i want to get inside the car i saw chaeng don't want seeing me, she keep hide her face onto her nanny neck. I feel bad and i went to her again. I hug her again and that is so long, i stay about 5 minutes hugging with her. After that mrs Son leave with mr son.


Mr son come home while crying, he went to all of them who is playing with their toys with those smile on their face. "Kids." He hug all of them. "I'm sorry, tzuyu, dahyun, i'm sorry, i can't save them, they in heaven now." Mr son chocked his owned saliva to let all those words come out.

Tzuyu and dahyun understand that even they only 4 years old. They smart. What they did is only crying and mr son hug them. Mr son glance at cub who is cutely confuse why they crying. I hug her tight.

"I'm sorry cub, i lose your mom." Mr son expect that cub will crying but she is not, she just silent and what i see is dead in her eyes.

Tzuyu sobbing and staring at that cub. 'Chaeng'

From that times chaeyoung never crying even a single tears. They always thought that cub always being the strongest one among all of them but not, she the most broken and weak but inside.

Tzuyu sobbing. "Now you know all behind those sweet smile, burried a deep pain and worst story ever. I hope you never regret with yours decision. I just wanted chaeng happy. But not with the person who keep hurting her.!" Tzuyu scoff and leave mina there alone.

Mina break into her tears after hearing what tzuyu told her. She don't know any idea that chaeyoung had to face all of this alone. She tried to hide it all in her heart by building the wall and not  let anyone to enter but after she know me, she break the wall because she want me to get inside and heal that. How stupid are you mina. You just make a big mistake in your life. This is a piece of shit.

Suddenly bamban found mina there and i hug her. "Hey, don't cry, it's not good for the baby and you too."

Mina manage to calm down. "I want chaeyoung. I want her and only her i want."

Bambam sigh. "Listen okay, i want you stop crying first and i will bring you to chaeyoung."

Mina nod and wipe her tears. "Come on, let's go to her. I want her."

Bambam hold her hand. "Okay we will go now."

They start walking and finding chaeyoung at her classroom but nowhere to be found. Even tzuyu, dahyun and somi not here too.
Mina start to panic and feel hard to breathing.

"Mina, why don't we rest first, you tired."

"No i want chaeyoung......" mina pass out but lucky bamban catch her and bring her to hospital as fast as he can.

Serve more chapter at one time😉 hope you like it🥺 love all my readers. Don't forget to vote💞💞

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