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After mr son leave the house, mina crying so bad.

Dahyun and tzuyu leave chaeyoung and mina to settle their problem there.

Chaeyoung sigh and went to her. "Don't worry i mean what i said, i will marry you, i will take responsibility!" I said and hold her hand.

Mina sobbing and look at her. "Whatever son chaeyoung! I hate you!" I let go my hand and went to her room to wear my clothes back.

Chaeyoung sigh and go change on the other room, i wait for her outside. When she come out i went to her. "Lemme send you home." I hold her hand.

Mina slap her face. "Don't touch me! I will go home by myself!"i run from ger and take a cab.

Chaeyoung just froze there and my phone ringging. "Yes dad. Yes i will and when.. ouh okay i will..."she hang up and pull her hair in frust. "Fuck you mina!" I went inside and go to dahyun and tzuyu.


Mina went inside and her parent shocked.

"Yah! Mina what are you doing yesterday!" Mr myoui mad and hold his chest.

Mina froze there and look down.

Mr myoui went to her and sigh. "I don't have a daughter like you! How can you give yourself to her! You...arghhh." he is collapse.

Mrs myoui crying now. "Yahh wake up hubby please. Wake up. Mina do something please."

Mina still in shocked. I call ambulance and keep blaming my self if something happen to my dad, i will never forgive you son chaeyoung.


Mr son went to mina with chaeyoung because he get that info mr myoui die. Mr son went to mrs myoui. While mina crying leaning her back on the wall.

Chaeyoung froze far away looking at her action and it's broke my heart. I went to her and i let her punch me even it's hurt.

Mina keep punch her chest and crying. "I hate you, i hate you!" I slap her face again and run away.

This time chaeyoung not stupid she chase mina. I grab her hand and pull her into my embrace. "Mina, listen! Don't hurt yourself for what happen! I'm here just please stop crying." I rub her back.

Mina just crying. "I hate you. I hate you." She bacome weak and stop crying. I release her hug.

Chaeyoung hand her the handkerchief. "Wipe your tears."

Mina take it and wipe her tears. "I still hate you. I will never forgive you never!" I said and walk back to hospital. I went to hug my mom.

"Mr son will settle your dad funeral and i agree to let chaeyoung marry you."

Mina sigh. "I will follow what you order me to do."


Mr son become serious with those peoples.

"Dahyun and momo, you guys will move out and stay at house i bought for you guys. After you graduate dahyun you will handle your dad company. Tzuyu and sana. You too move out to and tzuyu will handle your dad company after graduate. And you son chaeyoung! Stay in this house. After graduate you will handle my company that i build for you. Remember take care your wifes and be matured! I need to go now."i leave them with my assistant.

Dahyun, tzuyu, and chaeyoung sigh.

"Guess what, we not gonna stay under one roof again. I going to miss you two." Dahyun said.

Chaeyoung and tzuyu hug her. "I'm sorry guys." They said unison.

Mina, sana, and momo just look down.

Dahyun take momo hand. "We need to go now."

Momo nod and hug those two before leave.

Sana and tzuyu also bid their goodbye to them.

Leave mina and chaeyoung.

Mina just glare at chaeyoung. "I hate you!" I leave her alone.

Chaeyoung just rub her face and stare on ceiling. "It's gonna be hard for me."


The rumour about they married already spreading around the school  everyone know the Famouse SCHOOL MEAL CLUB get married with those japanese line.

Dahyun and momo looking good not hating each other same goes with sana and tzuyu. They love each other but not mina and chaeyoung, chaeyoung try to love  mina but she always push her away keep saying she hate her.

When they arrived at school everyone looking at they.

"Look at them they look good right."

"Om my cub, she belong to that ugly girl."

" i hate that mina girl, she stole my chaeng."

Chaeyoung blood boil hearing that.

"Yah! Whoever talking bad about mina again, please take your foot off from this school!" She said and glare at everyone.

Mina just silent and walk to her class not minding what others said.

Chaeyoung follow her and wait her to get inside before she off to her class same with tzuyu and dahyun.


Chaeyoung wait for mina outside. When she going outside i walk beside her. "What you want to eat? I will buy."

Mina feel dizzy and about to vomit. I went to toilet and vomit.

Chaeyoung rub her back and worry. "Hey are you okay? Let's go to clinic"

Mina shake her head. "No, don't touch me." I swept her hand away.

Chaeyoung carry her like bridal style not minding if she punch her. "Keep silent and we go to clinic!" I put her on passenger and i went to drive.

@NAYEON'S clinic

Nayeon check on mina and does some test on her. After done she went to her desk and smilling. "Awww my baby cub gonna be a daddy."

They widen their eyes. "What!" They said unison.

Mina crying while chaeyoung feel guilty.

"Hey don't cry please, it's my fault. I'm sorry." Chaeyoung said.

Nayeon went somewhere to give their space and time.

Mina slap her face. "I hate you! So much." She went out and went to car. She face palm and crying again.

Chaeyoung just stare at her. "Please stop crying mina, it's hurt me seeing you like this."

Mina glare at her. "Just drive can you!" She said and stare outside.

Chaeyoung just drive to their house and let mina rest in her room. While i'm go back to school.

Tzuyu and dahyun confuse.

"Yah chaeng, where have you been?" Dahyun said.

Chaeyoung mess her hair. "I'm mess everything, mina she is pregnant!"

Tzuyu and dahyun widen their eyes.

"Yah you do it without protection! How careless you are cub!" Tzuyu said.

Dahyun just hug her. "Hey don't worry, i know she will accept this."

Chaeyoung sigh. "I hope so guys, i envy how good you guys relationship."

They just giggle.

Sorry if this so boring chapter. Tried my best to make it best♥️🥺🍓🍓 please vote🤗🍓

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