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chaeyoung and somi went to arcade.

"Yahhh somi, i'm tired i wanna go home please.." i whinning.

Somi laugh. "Yahh cub, you said you wanna make up for me but you numb me again i guess." I pouting.

Chaeyoung feel guilty and nod. "Okay but after this let's go home okay."

Somi giggle. "Thanks, let's enjoy and grab some foods after!" I drag her.

Chaeyoung just shake her head. "Silly." I mumble and suddenly i chuckle.

Somi turn around and shocked. "Yah it's been long time not seeing you like this." I said sadly.

Chaeyoung notice somi, i cupped her face amd smile. "Thanks for make me feel alive somi! Let's enjoy and i'm hungry also!" I the one who dragging her with me.

Somi just stare at her. 'If you know my feelings toward you chaeng, i came here just because of you because i loving you.'

They having great times together and chaeyoung walk somi home.

"Emmm chaeng can i ask you something, i already know the answer but i still need to ask you." I nervous.

Chaeyoung just chuckle and wrap her arm on her shoulder. "Just count on me somi."

Somi take a deep breath and hold her hand. "I know you will say what but i need to because it will easy for me to kill this feelings. I li like you." I blushing.

Chaeyoung smile and stroke her hair. "Somi i'm sorry, i love mina but still you are my bestfriend who can make me smile like now. I will always go to you if i'm in trouble. I love you like my siblings and friends somi."

Somi feel hurt but not that much. "I'm happy for you, thanks for being honest to me even it's hurt just a little but still i love you my bestfriend!" I smile to her.

Chaeyoung just mess her hair and put her arm again on her shoulder. "Thanks for liking me but sorry i'm not for you, find someone who more way better than me okay." I pinch her cheek.

Somi just smile. "Okay i will loser!" I run from her.

Chaeyoung smile and chase her. "Yah you silly cat! Come here! I will catch you cat!" They having fun together.


Mina laying on her bed while rubbing her tummy. "I'm sorry for hating your dad, i don't know why more i distance my self from her more i will fall deeper for her. I miss her so much." Mina sleep after talking with baby.


Mina waiting for bambam to pick her up but when her mom call me. I went out and see chaeyoung sitting at dinning table having breakfast with my mom. I lead my way to sit infront of her and glance at her.

Chaeyoung smiling looking at mina. "Are you feeling well? Ready for today?."

Her mom walk away from them to give them space and time to talk.

Mina glare at her. "What are you doing here? Go home chaeng, we have nothing to talk!" I wanna go away from her but she holding my hand that making me stop.

Chaeyoung hold her hand. "Mina i miss you." I utter softly.

Mina chuckle and pull her hand. "Why are you come here?" I utter coldly.

Chaeyoung sigh. "I will bring you to check up today? I wanted to hear the heart beat, your mom said it's really beautiful." I said softly.

Mina turn to her and cross my arms while scoff. "In your dream, i will go with the person i wanted."

Chaeyoung smile. "But at least lemme follow you, i really want to go." I hold her hand.

Mina slap her again and it's hard because chaeyoung edge lip bleeding. "In your dream. Stop touching me, i hate you rubbish."

Chaeyoung touch her lips and groan a bit. "Thanks for this and you can't deny the baby is mine even how much you hate me that baby still mine."

Suddenly someone knock on the door. Mina open the door and he kiss her cheek.

"Ready?" He said and notice chaeyoung there. "Chaeng, should i let you go i can't..."

Mina cut him. "I will go with you. Come on." I hold his hand and leave chaeyoung there.

Chaeyoung shocked and staring at them with her teary eyes. "Mrs myoui i will get going and tell mina i love her and baby too." I utter softly without looking at her. I drive to my favourite place and crying there.
I hit my chest and punch the tree many time. "ARGHHHHH MINA! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH. But i can't seeing you with someone else because i can't stop loving you." I fall on the sand and crying there. "It's hurt me." I have a text from nayeon unnie when i open it she send baby scan photo and baby heartbeat sound. I play it and smile with pain. "It's beautiful. Daddy sorry." I lay on the sand and staring to the sky with this fucking pain. "I miss you mina." My phone ringging and it's dad.
"Hello" my voice crack.

"Cub are you okay. Let's have dinner together."

Chaeng just smile. "Later." I hangup and throw that phone at my side. "ARGHHHHHH MINA!" I get up and take my stuff, i drive away from that place and went to place that dad want us i mean all three of us.


They all here, momo with dahyun, sana with tzuyu but when i arrived i see that girl who is hurt me so much. I can't let my tears drop so i keep strong and sit beside her.

Tzuyu and dahyun notice her lips swollen, her both hand bandage.

"Sorry i'm late just traffic." I force my smile.

Mr son smile. "I glad you make it. So how the check up today cub."

Chaeyoung glance at mina who is looking down. "Emm it's went good, baby health and mina too, they all good. Not much to worry." I again force my smile.

Mina look at her and i notice her swollen cheek and lips, her hand being bandage but both of them. I shocked because she lying to her dad. Why she covering me.

They start to eat silently untill mr som break the silent and clear his throat.

"So are you all good right? I mean your relations?" I smile.

"Yeah me and momo good, everythings okay dad. Do not have to worry." I kiss momo hand and she blushing.

Tzuyu don't want to lose. "We good too and planing to have a baby right honey?" I smirk.

Sana chocked her drink and hit her shoulder. "We discuss already right! Untill i'm ready to have one."

They all laugh without mina and chaeyoung who is keep silent.

"How about you too? Cub? Mina?"

They glance on each other.

"We good dad, don't worry, we doing all good. I think i need to go now, tzuyu can you help me send her home. Sorry babe i need to go. See you later. " i kiss her hand and her tummy. "Bye baby daddy need to go."i rub her tummy before go.

Mina just staring at her doing all that. 'Why still you being this soft to me even i hurt you so much.' I watching at chaeyoung who is walk away until her sight gone.

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