MEETING HER♡ (is the worst thing)

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After the lovely proposal. Bambam drive mina home and she went straight to seyoung room. She not even change her dress, she hug sleeping seyoung and she keep blame herself accepting bambam. She try to silent the sound of she crying but seyoung groan and wake up. She sit up and mina wipe away her tears but still her eyes still red.

"Mommy, you home?" Seyoung said and rub her eyes slowly while yawning.

Mina sobbing. "Emmm yes baby. Sleep okay, mommy will be here tonight."

Seyoung still can see her mom face even with the small light. "Mommy? Are you crying? Why mommy?" Seyoung hold her cheeks with her small hand and wipe away the tears. She kiss mina eyes just like how chaeyoung does to her back then. "Better now?" She smile and revealing her cute dimples.

Mina smile and nod. "You really soft like you daddy." She hug seyoung and begin to sleep.

Tomorrow morning

Chaeyoung prepare herself to go to work. She take her things and she now always skip breakfast since jennie leave her. She drive straight to her office and when i arrived there. Tzuyu appearance totally give me a heart attack.

Tzuyu waiting for chaeyoung to come inside her office and when she here i'm glad she okay. I hug her and smile. "Yah! Why you keep away from everyone! We worried about you for this past two weeks! You idiot cub. I hate you." Tzuyu glare at her.

Chaeyoung laugh and sit on her chair. "Thanks i love you too." She said and open her laptop.

Tzuyu close it and look at her. "Yah! I know you still not eating breakfast right. So here i am to company you to eat breakfast." She drag chaeyoung out.

Chaeyoung just sigh and follow her like a dog obey to her owner. "But tzu, i'm not have appetite."

Tzuyu wink at her. "I know you gonna said that! I prepare everything and i know someone can make you eat." She drive away.

Chaeyoung just sit there silent and cross her arms. "You just make me cancel this morning meeting! How am i supposed to give an excuse." She rolling her eyes.

Tzuyu chuckle. "Chaeyoung, i settle everythings! You just sit there and we gonna have fun today!" She said and faster the speed.

Chaeyoung shocked and hold her seatbelt. "Yah! You fucking yoda! Slow down or i will kill you later. YAHHHH YODAAAA!" she screaming and tzuyu put more speed.

Chaeyoung just pray to god that nothing gonna happen to her and after a few minutes with that speed, they arrived at cafe. Chaeyoung use her speed to come out from that hell car and about to vomit.

Tzuyu laugh at her and keep hitting her back softly. "Are you okay?"

Chaeyoung wipe her mouth and glare at her.  "Did you try to kill me with that fucking speed! You idiot yoda!." Suddenly a person hug me.

"Yah cub! I miss you so much." Somi said and smiling.

Chaeyoung shocked and look at her. "Yah! Somi, where have you been this time! Did you tryna to leave all of us?"

Somi laugh. "Not idiot cub! I'm continue my studied abroad and here i am as a designer. I love fashion and that is my world. So how you've been all the times? And i'm sorry for the lose. And sorry for not be able to her funeral." Somi rub her back.

Chaeyoung smile to her. "No worry, i'm doing good and congrats somi. So tzuyu this is your secret weapon? Cause this not gonna happen!" She stick out her tounge.

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