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Jennie and chaeyoung sitting beside each other.

"Tell me why you envy with me? And what kind of hurt you mean?" Jennie ask softly.

Chaeyoung look at her and smile. "I envy you because you looks so happy and always smile, i love your smile especially your gummy smile."

Jennie blushing. "Ammm don't said that, nothing much. Your smile is pretty, your dimple is cute." She said and smile again. "Tell me what kind of hurt that you mean earlier, please.." jannie said with her hopping eyes.

Chaeyoung smile. "Nothing at all, are you ever fall in love?"

Jennie shake her head. "Never because no one want me, because i'm ugly, poor and just only village girl without parent, even family background. I live in orphanage before but now i can live by myself with the help from your grandma and your grandpa. I love them so much." She said a bit sad.

Chaeyoung feel guilty. I rub her back. "Hey, sorry, i don't know that. But you not ugly, you just perfect the way you are."

Jennie smile again at her. "It's okay, you don't have to say sorry, not your fault, thanks, you just look to much in me. I've never being in love before but if you ask me what kind of love that i understand is, love is meeting someone and knowing it will always be them, whatever life throws at you, even if you aren't together, they always have your heart."

Chaeyoung understand what jennie said and smile. "You smart and i love how you express love meaning by your own words." Big wind come and it's hit jennie hairs and it's covering her face. I lean closer to her face and remove the hairs, i staring into her pretty lens.

Jennie heart beat so fast when she does that to her. "Emmm thanks." She blushing and look down.

Chaeyoung snap to reality and look away to avoid her gaze. "Sorry, i just remove your hair."

Jennie hold her hand. "Hey how about we go to tributary, there we can see baby fish." She drag chaeyoung with her.

Chaeyoung just staring at their hand and smile. She feel something toward this girl. She love how she being friendly with her, how sweet she is, how kind she is, how beautiful her smile. And my heart heal when she around me. 'What have you done to me jennie.'

Mina pov

Mina crying and crying on her bed while hugging her penguin plushie and smell chaeyoung scent that she really miss. 'I miss you chaeng, why you need to let me go even i don't want to. I want you with me chaeyoung.' Suddenly sana knock on her door.

"Minari, open the door please, don't hurt yourself, i'm here, tell me what you feel, even i can't heal that but still i can less the pain if you share with me." Sana utter it softly and knock again untill mina open the door and hug her. I bring her to her bed and rub her back.

"I miss her sana, i miss her so much. I don't want she let me go." Mina crying and sobbing on sana shoulder.

Sana could feel her shirt wet by mina tears. I wipe her tears and care her bang. "Hey minari, listen, healing take time mina and her heart needs more of selfcare than anything else to heal, so consider that she just upset and i know she still love you, how can she just let you go when you guys already have a love inside your tummy." Sana place mina hand on her tummy. "Feel it, does you guys make a love and this happen, so please be strong for this mina, whatever gonna happen just believe in fate, if really you guys mean to be together, how far the journey, how deep the ocean or how high the mountain you guys will still be together, because nothing can separate you guys." Sana smile.

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