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Mina go to chaeyoung and the others. I saw she again after 3 years, i miss her and i really want to hug her. But why she crying over her friend who is just only faint. I went closer and closer to her. My mixed emotion powered over me. I don't know how to react when i heard that 'WIFE' words come out from her mouth when doctor come to aprroach her.

Chaeyoung rush to doctor and worried. "How is my wife doctor? Does she okay?"

Doctor keep hanging her head down and sigh. "I'm sorry, your wife, she in dangerous, she need to operate now."

Chaeyoung can't make a decission because jennie don't want to be operate. "No, she don't want that option, she want to die with our memories together. Can i visit her?" Chaeyoung wipe her tears and try to smile.

Doctor nod and bow. "She will be transfer to other room after this. Excuse me." Doctor leave.

Chaeyoung about to go but someone hold her hand.

"Stop chaeyoung." Mina said and grab her hand.

Chaeyoung forget that mina is here too and she doesn't talk to her yet. She just look at their hand and she pull away.

"Can we talk?" Mina said.

Chaeyoung sigh. "I'm sorry mina, not now." She leave mina there.

Mina feel sad because chaeyoung rejected her. She went to dahyun and tzuyu. "Did you guys have something to share with me?"

Dahyun and tzuyu look at each other.

"She..." dahyun about to talk but tzuyu hold her hand.

"Mina, it's not our right to talk about this, you must ask her by yourself. How seyoung?" She change the topic.

Mina sigh. "She's fined. Did you guys know about jennie her friend? But why chaeyoung claim her as her wife?"

Tzuyu sigh. "Mina, i told you we're not have the right to talk about this, please ask chaeyoung about this. I don't want something happen. I'm sorry mina, and sorry for seyoung too, but mina, i need to go home now, did you gonna be fined here?"

Mina nod and smile. "No worry, i will be okay. Dahyun go home too okay. Take care on your way." She said and went to seyoung right after they leave. I sit beside seyoung and hold her hand. My mind still thinking about chaeyoung. 'I miss you chaeng.' Suddenly someone coming inside.

"Mina, is seyoung okay? How is she?" He walk to mina and his worried face write everything how much he's worried.

Mina smile. "She okay bambam, you don't have trouble yourself to come here. You must be busy right."

Bambam smile and hold seyoung little hand.  "I just love her just like my daughter mina, how can i'm not worried about her. I need to be by her side. I need to protect her and you."

Mina feel warm by his word. "But still you don't have to trouble yourself like this but thanks for coming here even tho you're busy. I appreciate it."

Bambam make his way to mina and hold her hand. "Mina, what ever come about both of you, i will leave everything behind. You two are my priority." I kiss her hand.

Mina blushing and pull her hand. "You and sweet words always make me flutter. Stop saying those bambam, find someone for you already!" I hit his hand.

Bambam rub his hand and smile. "You the one mina but still you reject me. Even for a thousand years i will always waiting for you to say yes to my proposal. Because i really love you." He bend down to her knee and bow his head.

Mina smile. "You don't have to waste your time for me and your love like that. Find someone who deserve all of that. Now stand up!"

Meanwhile chaeyoung pov

Chaeyoung went to jennie and her heart break into pieces when she saw jennie need to bear the pain alone. I went to her and hold her hand. I put her cool hand on my cheek to warm it. "Be strong baby, i love you so much." My tears already drop. "I will never take my eyes off from you." She mumble and suddenly she remember seyoung and mina. "I wanna check on mina and seyoung first. I will comeback later for you." She kiss her forehead and went to mina. When i arrived at seyoung's place, i saw bambam, he running and walk inside. I went closer and take a peek what they does. My heart sank when i saw he proposing mina. I just wanna stop that but i stop from doing that because i know she deserve to be happy with someone who can make her happy, even the person is not me. I wipe my tears and went back to jennie. But when i arrived at her place all nurse and doctor gathering in her ward. I want to go inside but that nurse stop me. I just crying and hoping nothing will happen to her. I lean on the wall and crying.

Doctor come out and bow many times. "We're sorry miss chaeng, her heart stop once but she okay for now.  And i'm afraid she not gonna make it if one more time happen. So please talk to her what you want to talk." He leave.

Chaeyoung bow to him and went to jennie. She weak, all wires on her body really hurt me seeing her like this. I want her be healthy. I want her be with me, i don't want she leave me. I love her so much. I hold her hand that is super cool. I kiss her head and try my best to smile because she hate when i crying over her. "Baby, open your eyes. I wanna talk with you. But i know you will listen. I love you so much baby, no one gonna replace your place in my heart. My heart always belong to you and you got your special place in here. I promise i will always love you and cherish our love for the rest of my life. Please be strong i can't bear seeing you like this baby. I wanna cuddle with you, i wanna watch movies with you, i wanna travel more with you and do what you want together baby." My tears drop nonstop.  Suddenly my heart really stop this time when i see her heart rate going to single line. I break into tears. I can't control anymore. I run away from that place and not looking back.

Mina want to get something to eat after bambam leave and when i want to walk someone bump on me making both of us fall on the floor. "What the heck!"

Chaeyoung bump to someone when she running and fall on the floor. "I'm sorry." I heard she groan.

We look at each other and mina catch chaeyoung eyes is full of sadness and it's really hurt my heart when i saw her like this. Chaeyoung notice that person is mina and she hug her ignoring the wall that they build onto each other. Mina shocked and she crying on my chest. My heart beating so fast now. I just rub her back.

"Chaeng what happen? Why ar you crying like this?" I ask her softly and hold her cheeks.

Chaeyoung sobbing. "Jen je...jennie, she die." She utter that words with full strength she has.

Mina can feel her pain and the crack in her voices. "Hey, let's go back to her room and we listen for what doctor gonna do." I hold her hand. "I will not let go of your hand. I promise." They walk to jennie room.

Chaeyoung take a heavy step to see her lovely wife and the love for the rest of her life die. I went to her and i place a soft kiss on her lips. "I'm sorry. I love you baby." I just stare at her.

Mina feel betrayed when chaeyoung utter that three words to her. I admit i jealous and what can i do. She the luckiest person to have chaeyoung love. She can't do anything, she just stood there and watching chaeyoung staring at that jennie girl who leave her forever.

It's sad🥺 i'm crying. Please prepared some tissues💞💜💗💛🖤🐧🐯 leave your vote.

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