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It's not like a morning like before for chaeyoung and mina, it's different it's been three days mina walk out from that house.

Today chaeyoung went to school but not even have energy. She looks pale.

Tzuyu and dahyun worry about their cub. And today somi will attend this school.

"Okey class today we have new friend.! Come in!" Miss kim said.

Somi come inside and see chaeyoung, tzuyu and dahyun in that class.

"Miss son wake up now. Sit properly we have friend today." Miss kim tap her shoulder softly.

Chaeyoung sit properly and look at somi who is smilling.

"Hi my name is Jeon Somi but just call me somi! I hope we can be friendly!" I wave my hand and bow.

"Just choose where you want to sit." Miss kim utter softly and start teaching.

Somi see vacant chair beside chaeyoung but at the front, i'm not the type to sit at the front but for her i will. "Hey cub!"

Chaeyoung just glance at her once and sleep again.

"Miss son answer this or else." Miss kim said.

Somi worry if she can't answer this maybe she get punish but her action make me shocked.

Chaeyoung sigh and take the marker. "That's it miss kim can i continue to sleep?" I ask and bow.

Miss kim just smile. "Nice even i'm not teach that yet but you can answer it. So everyone be like miss son even she sleeping but still smart!" She chuckle and everyone laughing.

Somi widen her eyes. "Yeahh smart cub! Wuuuu"

Chaeyoung just sigh and sleep again.


School meal club and somi eat together.

"Cub eat a little please, i know you haven't eat for three days. Don't lie you not hungry!"  Tzuyu said and seen like mad.

Chaeyoung just sigh. "I'm not hungry just eat." I walk away and see bambam and mina walking while holding hand together, i ignored them and went to my favourite place.

Tzuyu just sigh and looking at mina madly. " i will not ever forgive her for hurting chaeyoung."

Somi shocked. "Yah they together now?"

Dahyun and tzuyu looking at her confuse somehow sana and momo.

"You know her?" Dahyun said.

Somi nod. "Yah i know her and that jerk."

They laugh.

"You call him jerk too! Same." Tzuyu said and high five with her.

Somi laugh. "She even kissing with him at the soul tower and i tried to cover cub eyes but she remove it and saw that. I feel bad and i chase her but she leave me."

Tzuyu and dahyun shocked. "What!" They said unison.

"She didn't tell me about this"dahyun said.

"Me too! That mina she!" Tzuyu clinch her fist and about to reprimand mina.

Sana hold her arm. "Babe, don't she pregnant! Remember, chaeng also don't want this happen."

Tzuyu nod but inside her heart it's still burning.

Dahyun just glaring at those two untill she feel a soft hand cares her hand.

Momo rub her hand softly and smile at her.

Dahyun nod slowly.


I saw her again today but her face seen super pale. 'Did she okay? Did she eat properly?.' All question about her attack on my mind.

Bambam hold her hand and squish it softly. "Hey are you okay?"

Mina nod. "Next week will be my first check up." She care her tummy and smilling.

Bambam smile. "Chaeng lucky because you crrying her child, i wish if she is me. I really love you but i hurt you." I said sadly. "How about i accompany you?"

Mina smile. "Of course you can if you free."

Bambam happy. "I would love too, can't Wait to hear that baby heart beat."

Mina become more comfort around him but still something missing.


I went to rooftop and staring on the sky. "Mina, i miss you so much. I miss everything about you. I wanna be with you always. But i can't see you happy with someone else. When i said i love you i really do mina." I let my tears drop. But suddenly someone tap on my shoulder. I turn around and she wipe my tears.

"Yah don't waste that." I wiping her tears slowly.

"Mommy, is it you?" I hold her hand that place on my cheek. With crack voice i utter it.

"If you love her go and win her heart. I know she love you too." Mrs son smile to her.

"Mommy, i miss you." I feel all her touch.

"Promise me, you will win her heart."i smile and care her cheeks.

Chaeyoung nod and close her eyes. "Ouh just dream." I feel my head dizzy and i see many miss call from dahyun, tzuyu and somi. "I miss you mina." I fix my self and went to class.

Dahyun, tzuyu and somi saw chaeyoung come inside and bow at miss park.

Chaeyoung bow and take her sit as she said she fall asleep.

Somi elbow chaeyoung. "Yah let's meet later after school."

Chaeyoung look at somi and nod.

after bell ring they all begin to go home.

Chaeyoung waiting for somi at parking lot but when i see mina with bambam, it's so fucking hurt. Seeing she happy around her first love. Looking how bambam care about mina more better than me. I sigh and somi come on my way.

"Come one, let's have fun today!" I drag her.

"Somi my car?" I follow her.

"Yah let's ride the bus and went to have fun!"

Chaeyoung just sigh and follow this stupid cat.


Mina look at chaeyoung with that new girl dragging her. 'She looks skinny, she looks pale. What happen to her?' I keep thinking of chaeyoung and staring out of window.

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