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Doctor bow and sigh. "We're sorry...."

Chaeyoung try hard to calm. "Finish your words fast or i will sue this hospital!"she mad.

Doctor bow again. "Please don't do that miss son. Miss myoui she fined. The surgery went well and we have to wait untill she wake up and we will do another test on her. We're sorry because we can't promise if she can get back her memories." He bow again.

Chaeyoung sigh. "Please put her in private room. Give the best service you had. Do it now." She said and went to mrs myoui.

"How is mina chaeng? Is she okay?" She ask with her worry looks.

Chaeyoung carry seyoung. "She fined mom. Don't worry. But they will do some other test on her later. She might lose her memories." She said and sad.

Mrs myoui happy and sad at the same time. "I hope mina gonna be fined." She hoping and pray.

Chaeyoung nod. "How about mom and seyoung go home with the others. Dahyun, tzu! Bring mom and seyoung home. I will stay here with mina. Mom you come again tomorrow with seyoung, anything i will update."

Mrs myoui take seyoung and nod. "Thanks chaeyoung."

Tzuyu and dahyun nod at her. They walking leaving hospital. Bambam walk to chaeyoung.

"Why don't you go home?" Chaeyoung ask him.

Bambam scoff. "Remember only 5 days." He said and leave.

Chaeyoung sigh and went to mina room. My heart sank with my tears that keep dropping on my cheeks. I can't seeing her like this. I went closer to her and i hold her cool hand. I warm it and put on my cheek. "Wake up mina, please open your eyes. I'm sorry for leaving you. Sorry for hurting you. Sorry for everythings mina, i just want to love you without any pain or scars. You are the worth story that happen in my life." She kiss her hand and begin to fall asleep.

Tomorrow morning.

Mina groan and tried to move her hand but she feel something heavy on her hand. She decided to look at her side and she shocked. She pull her hand and coughing.

Chaeyoung feel her hand moving and i heard she coughing. I sit properly and smile.  "You awake. Thanks for be strong."

Mina feel dizzy and confuse. "What happen to me? Why am i here? And who are you? Where is my parent? My bestfriend? My boyfriend? Where is all of them? We should go to that party tonight." She hold her head that hurt. "ARGHHHH!" she screaming in pain.

Chaeyoung can't catch much of her question. She leave her and reach for doctor. She waiting for her being check up.

Doctor come out and sigh. "I'm sorry, like what i told you before, she lose some of her memories. She lost almost 3 years of her life memories. She said her age is 18."

Chaeyoung shocked. "It's mean, for up coming 3 years she doesn't remember anything. Oh god." She mess her hair.

Doctor bow and tap her shoulder. "We must keep pray she gonna gain that memories back. I know late or early she will get back that memories. For now let her rest and don't cause to much stress on her. Avoid her from doing heavy work. Show or bring her to feel back the memories. It's the only way fastest process to get gain back her memories." He bow.

Chaeyoung smile and nod. "Thanks. I will follow everything."

Doctor leave and momo, sana, mrs myoui and also seyoung come.

"Chaeng!" Momo call her and smile. "How is mina? Did she awake now?"

Chaeyoung smile to her and carry seyoung. "She inside resting. You guys go first and i will come later. Seyoung, wanna have some snack with me?" She smile at seyoung.

Momo and mrs myoui nod and walking inside.

"Remember avoid nut! Don't pampered her too much son chaeyoung. No sweet and snack." Sana warn those two.

Chaeyoung sigh. "Okey mommy sana! Go now. Just give us our bond time together." She leave sana and seyoung giggle.

Sana shake her head and went inside as well.

Mina groan and wake up. "Sanake, momoring. Mom." She laugh.

Sana and momo look at each other.

"Doesn't she promise us never call us like that again?" Sana whisper to momo.

Momo glare at mina and nod at sana. "Yeah, did the doctor cut something important in her head." She whisper back.

"Baby mina, how are you feelings?" Mrs myoui hold her hand and smile.

Mina smile and nod. "I miss you mom." She look around. "Where is dad? I miss him too." She pouting.

Mrs myoui shocked while sana and momo looking at each other totally shocked to.

Mrs myoui still smile and care her cheek. "Baby how old are you?"

Mina confuse why her mom and friends acting weird like this. "18 why?"

They shocked and mrs myoui hug her. Mina still confuse.

"Mina, you don't remember? You're dad die 3 years ago." Mrs myoui said it sadly.

Mina can't believe. "But but...why? You must be kidding right? I just meet him yesterday." She crying and hold her head.

Mrs myoui hug her. "Calm down mina! You had an accident yesterday. Please mina calm down."

Momo and sana speechless and hold mina also. Suddenly sana accidently slap mina and she calm down. Momo jaw drop.

"Wow sana! You had a magic. One slap she calm down." Momo clap her hand.

Sana hold her cheek and rub it softly. "Shut up momo! I'm sorry mina. I shouldn't slap you." She want to hug mina and forgot she pregnant and her buby bump hurt a bit. "Arghhh." She rub her baby bump.

Mina look at her and more shocked. "Yah! You two, the bump. But how? When? We only 18." She speechless and her head hurt.

Mrs myoui come inside with the nurse and she inject mina to let her calm down. She bow. "Please don't make her stress and let her rest first. Excuse me." She bow and leave.

Momo and sana bow their head and went to mina. Momo calming mrs myoui who is crying while sana care mina hand softly.

"I don't know how to explain to her later. I hope everythings gonna be fined." Mrs myoui wipe her tears.

Someone knock on the door and go inside. Bambam bow at mrs myoui and confuse.

"Does everythings okay?" He ask and walk closer to mina.

"No she's not! It's complicated. Mina said she only 18. She said her dad still alive, she still called us by that stupid nickname. And she not believe she actually 21 years old now. It's just arghhh." Sana frust and momo rub her back.

"Calm down sana, it's not good for baby. Just let someone right to explain it to her." Momo said and sigh.

Sana nod and hold her hand that on her shoulder. "Sit first momo, you must be tired." Sana said and they sit togeteher on couch while calming their self.

Bambam stroke her hair softly anf rub her hand with her thumb softly. "I'm sorry mina." He kiss mina hand and keep holding it while staring at her.

Mrs myoui sit beside mina. "What will happen if she know about seyoung. I wish chaeyoung can handle it later." She sigh.

Bambam look at her. 'That chaeyoung again!  I wish your memories will never coming back if that the best for us.' He is already smirk inside.

A bit lame i think😃 but please leave your vote. I feel happy if you does that thank you💛🐧🐯🖤

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