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Chaeyoung smack those two head. "Yah! I'm not even make a joke and you guys laughing like this!"

Tzuyu gulp and elbow dahyun who still laughing. "Enough!" I whisper madly to dahyun. "Look at chaeng."

Dahyun and tzuyu look at chaeng.

Chaeyoung can't hold anymore, she crying.

"Yah! What we have done! We never see her crying last time when she 4 years old before auntie leave her." Dahyun said panick.

Tzuyu hug chaeng. "Chaeng, we sorry, please don't cry. We sorry really."

Chaeyoung sobbing. "I miss mommy, i want her now."

Tzuyu and dahyun don't want old chaeyoung come back. It's like the worst chaeyoung they ever see. "Chaeng, stop that, we going to see your mom later we visit her okay." Tzuyu said.

Chaeyoung nod and dahyun wipe her tears. "Now smile please."

Chaeyoung smile a little. "Okay. You forgiven"


Chaeyoung arrived home and see mina cooking at kitchen. I went to her and smile. "What did you cook? Smell delicious."

Mina ignored her and serve her food.

Chaeyoung only see one plate only. "Emm mina i'm sorry."

Mina glare at her. "You know what looking at your face making me lost appetite.!"she about to go.

Chaeyoung grab her hand. "Sorry mina. Please don't torture that child. It's not she or he fault right."

Mina release her hand. "I told you don't touch me!"

Chaeyoung can't hold anymore, and now she crying again infront of mina. "Sorry."

Mina shocked because she never see chaeyoung crying. I feel bad being harsh to her. "Stop that chaeng." I still use my cold voice. "Even you crying untill blood out, you will never forgiven!"

Chaeyoung hurt and it's so bad. "I know i'm not even deserve you but please mina just forgive me, i'm sorry don't make me like this, you make me guilty and you make me fall deeper for you."

Mina gulp and speechless hearing that she love me.

"I love you mina. Whay can't you see, i'm never feel this way never. My heart only want you and you always." I hold my chest because it's hurt.

Mina turn around and slap her. "Fucking that heart! I didn't care chaeyoung! I hate you and forever hate you. Because of you i'm losing everything!" I leave her and lock my door.

Chaeyoung grab her car key and went to her mom mortuary. "Mommy, why it's so hard for me. I miss you." She fall asleep there.

@TOMORROW morning

Mina wake up with her morning sickness. And it's really hard for her to handle. She notice chaeyoung not home. I went to school by myself with cab. When i arrived i see everyone talking about i'm pregnant.

"Sowonyah, hold her now." Eunha said.

Sowon and umji hold mina hand.

"Lemme go." I try to escape.

Eunha tap her cheeks. "How dare you pregnant son chaeyoung child! You bitch!" I about to slap her but.

Mina close her eyes waiting for the slap but just i heard a noisy voice from students.

Chaeyoung arrived just right time, i hold her hand and push it away. I glare at those two and pull mina to stand behind me. "Who is touch her or try to hurt her, face me! I will make sure you suffer!" I drag mina and send her to her class. "Are you okay? Hurt?"

Mina notice her swollen cheek because of my hard slap yesterday and her eyes swollen really bad. "I'm fined. One more thing i can take care of myself."

Chaeyoung sigh. "If you don't want me to concern about you but at least lemme concern about my baby inside your tummy." I give her sour candy. "Here eat that if you feel like to vomit." I leave her.

Mina take the candy and keep it inside her pocket. She admit that candy really work. She can focus in her class without feel dizzy.


"Chaeng eat a little. Pleaseee" tzuyu said.

Chaeyoung shake her head. "I don't want, i'm not hungry at all." Chaeyoung about to go but when i see mina with bambam walking inside cafeteria really make me mad. I went to them and grab mina hand. I drag her to sit with us. "What did you want?"

Mina confuse and just follow chaeyoung. "Lemme go! What did you think you doing!" I mad at her.

Chaeyoung smile at her. "What did you want?"

Mina give her confuse look. "Anything."

Chaeyoung wink at her. "Okay." I go and grab some good food for her and the baby of course. I serve infront of her.

Mina shocked. "Yah too much of foods"

Chaeyoung chuckle. "Just eat it all not only for you but for baby too." I smile and rub her tummy.

Mina heart beat fast. "Emm thanks."i eat it and suddenly like to vomit.

Chaeyoung worry and hand her sour candy. She grab it and eat that. "Feeling better now?"

Mina nod and smile. "Thanks."

Chaeyoung smile in victory. "Beautiful." She mumble slowly.

Dahyun and tzuyu happy because they good but also they worry because chaeyoung crying again because her swollen eyes and swollen cheek this morning.

"Chaeng can we have a talk? At usual place." Dahyun said.

Chaeyoung nod.

After they finish.

"Sana unnie momo unnie. Can you guys look after mina, if anything happen call me." I smile and went to mina.

"Hey baby, daddy want to go now, be good and don't trouble your mommy okay." i care her flat tummy and smile. "I go first and let's go home together after this." I leave her with the others.

Sana and momo hold her hand.

Mina just chuckle. "Yah don't have to hold both of that!"

Sana and momo glare at her. "Yah you carrying a baby." They said unison.

Mina just chuckle and care her tummy. ' i think i shouldn't treat your dad like that, i will give her chance.'


Dahyun hug chaeyoung and making chaeyoung confuse.

"Yah what happen to you?"i rub her back. And glance at tzuyu.

Dahyun release it. "Yah you the one make me sad! Why you crying?"

Chaeyoung chuckle. "Yah i'm okay don't worry, i just miss mommy that's all."

Tzuyu and dahyun glance at each other. "Yah cub we miss our parent too but you tears not for your mommy because we never see you cry after that incident. I know you cry for mina right?"dahyun said.

Chaeyoung sigh. "I guess you really good reading me!"

Dahyun smile. "If you want to share something we always here for you."

Tzuyu hold her hand. "I know how hard to win her heart but i believe you can. Trust your heart chaeng."

Chaeyoung smile. "I'm happy have you guys around me, my siblings and my bestfriends ever." I hug them.

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