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It's been 3 years now. Everything went to fast, chaeyoung and mina daughter already 3 years old. How cute is she now. She grow up well even without chaeyoung. Mina now a writer, she just release her first book. While chaeyoung now ceo in her own company following by dahyun and tzuyu they also handle their own company. Now sana and momo pregnant which is they gonna be mommy on the same year.

Perhaps chaeyoung story is more sad but happy, because even she feel loved after all the pain, still have the pain still remain. Now she with jennie to do her monthly check up for her illness.

"Hey baby, your strong enough okay, just promise me you will be strong. I have your book that you really want." Chaeyoung kiss her forehead and place the book at the small table.

Jennie smile a bit weak and reach for the book. "Thanks baby, i love you."

Chaeyoung sit beside her and holding her hand. "The casher told me that, the writer gonna have a fan meeting this weekend, wanna go together?"

Jennie smile brightly and nod. "I would love too, thanks baby." She lean her head on her shoulder. 'Sorry chaeng, i can't be the best for you.'

Chaeyoung glance at her and kiss her lips. She hold her nape and deepen the kiss. "I love you so much." Chaeyoung smile and care her cheek. Suddenly her phone vibrate have a text from tzuyu.

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"She is cute right? We hang out at the mall now."

Chaeyoung smile and care the photo. "Baby look, she big now." Chaeyoung smile and show her baby photo.

Jennie smile and nod. "Chaeng, why don't you go and chase her again. Just leave me here, i can handle all this by myself. You never leave my side and i think you deserve to have your life back. Go and claim her." Jannie tears already drop.

Chaeyoung wipe it and kiss her eyes. "Hey baby, look at me. *jennie still avoid her eyes.* look at me please. *jennie look at chaeyoung* listen to me, i love you and no one can replace your special place in this heart. I know i still love her but she deserve happiness too. She happy with her life now and who am i to go back to her and curse more pain to her." 'Be happy mina, because your happiness is my happiness.'

Jennie feel so much guilty because she take chaeyoung from mina.

Meanwhile mina pov

"Baby! Don't running wait for mommy!" Mina about to chase Seyoung but sana stop her.

"Mina, she with tzuyu there, don't worry, tzuyu need to practice for this boy later." Sana chuckle and rub her 6 months baby bump.

Mina happy. "It's a boy, congrats sana. Perhaps he gonna be cool and handsome like his dad." Mina eyes still on her baby.

Sana sigh and smile. "Yeah you right. Mina it's been three years. Do you still waiting for her? I mean why don't you accept bambam. He is seem good with Seyoung and you, he love you and Seyoung." Sana hold her hand.

Mina sigh. "Sana no matter what happen, she still have my heart. No matter how far she go, here *she point her heart* still have that special place for her. I'm not tired waiting for her. I do love her, so much sana." She utter sadly.

Sana hug her and rub her back. "No worry mina, like what people thougth, if we mean to be, we will be together no matter what happen."

Suddenly tzuyu bring crying seyoung. Mina take her from tzuyu and she calm and begin to fall asleep on mina shoulder.

"Sorry mina, my bad, i'm not  even on time to catch her from fall." She look down.

Mina smile. "No worry, kid, they run and hurt, normal for toddler like her. Can we go home already, she must be tired, she need to rest and me too."

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