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🐧🐯~《third days》


Morning comes and chaeyoung wake up already.

"Is mina wake up already?" She mumble and thinking. "What if, she hate me for what happen yesterday." She mumble again and she went to mina room. She stood infront of her door and still deciding to knock or not.

"Should i knock?" She place her hand on the door and knock on it. "Aishhh why does i knock.' She waiting for an answer.

Mina pov

She already wake up and she actually waiting for chaeyoung. But because of last night she feel shy. When she heard the knock on her door she smile and suddenly that smile dissapear when her mom coming inside.

Meanwhile awhile ago after chaeyoung knock on her door, her mom coming and she ask her instead to help mina this morning.

"Mina, lemme help you okay." Mrs myoui said and help her to bathroom.

Mina nod and let her mom help her.

Meanwhile chaeyoung pov

Chaeyoung get ready herself for today. She went outside but mina door not close, she take a peek and she saw mina struggling with her hair. She decided to help her.

"Can i come in." She ask and slowly open the door.

Mina smile listen to those sweet voice of her. "Yes you can." She said and look down.

Chaeyoung feel this akward feelings and she went closer to mina. I grab the towel in her hand and rub on her hair softly. "I'm sorry." She said and lift her face to facing her.

Mina shocked. "I should be the one who say sorry. I kiss you first..."

Chaeyoung cover her mouth with her palm. "Shhhh.. no one fault. We both make it. So stop talking and have you eaten yet?" Chaeyoung smile.

Mina shake her head. "Not yet. Thanks for helping me." She smile.

Chaeyoung carry her and place her on her bed. "Lemme feed you okay. Aaaaa." She take the spoonful of rice.

Mina open her mouth and eat it. She munching it slowly while staring at chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung smile. "Today, we must go to therapy for your leg." She feed her again.

Mina nod and smile. "Yummy. You should eat to." She take the spoon and try to feed chaeyoung, but when chaeyoung want to eat she pull the spoon and she eat it.

Chaeyoung smile while shaking her head. "Revenge is real huh." She chuckle.

Mina smile. "Okey this is true. Aaaaa." She again want to feed chaeyoung.

"I don't want to be fool by you again. You might eat that." She pouting.

Mina bring it close to her pouting lip. "Eat it." She give chaeyoung her gummy smile.

Chaeyoung open her mouth and about to eat but mina eat it and giggle. Chaeyoung cross her arms.

"I know you will did that. Aishhh, you just keep teasing me." She pouting and look away sulking.

Mina hold her cheek and care it softly using her thumb. "Look at me chaeng." She feel weird again when chaeyoung look at her.

Chaeyoung feel soft by her touch and she look directly inside her lens. That night scene across her mind. She look away. The moments she let het go. The night she hurt her heart, the night she lose her forever. She  want to walk away but mina hold her hand making her to stop.

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