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Worth things take times a bit, it's gonna worth it if you keep patiently waiting.

Mina pov

Mina closed her door and lean on it with tears on her cheek. She want her memories  back right now. She want it. She want to remember chaeyoung. She don't want to doubt her love towards chaeyoung. She sitting on her bed hoping that she will get back her memories. Her head hurt and it's lead her to fall asleep.

"I love you but you don't." She said and beging.

Slap on her face. "Go i hate you!" She said.

"Please forgive me" she beging again. "And i will never leave you. I will find my way back home." She gone.

Mina wake up and still in shocked. "Chaeyoung." She mumble and that's voices that always come into her dream is her voices. She remember know she get back her memories. She want chaeyoung back and she remember seyoung. She rush to seyoung room. She open it slowly and she sleeping. Mina went closer to her and sit closer to her.

"Mommy sorry." She notice her cheek red because of the slap she receive. She care it softly and her tears drop.

Seyoung feel someone touching her cheek. She open her eyes and scared. She back away from mina and hug her knee. She doesn't even look at mina.

Mina feel bad and guilty. "Baby, momny sorry. Please forgive me." She try to hold her hand but she swept it away.

Seyoung shake her head and still hide her face.

Mina take a deep breath. "Mommy love you. Sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me."

Seyoung slowly look at mina and hug her. "I just don't want mommy be like that. It's scared me. I don't want to lose you like daddy does." She crying. Even she only 3 years, how adorable she can feel that kind of feelings.

Mina stroke her hair. "It's all my fault. If i don't doubt my love this all never happen." She mumble and stay like that.


It's been a month....

Chaeyoung and miyeon doing great with their relationship and mina already know about chaeyoung and miyeon. That's really leave big impact on her heart. That cause a lot of pain. But she waiting for chaeyoung. She continue to write her book back. All the situation back to normal.

Mina pov

She the one who i keep waiting for. I miss her so much. But now leave all regrets, i choose to let her go and now she really gone from my life. She being one step forward from me. I really love her so much, but she not for me. I must learn from this. "So many people are in love and are not together, and so many people are together but not in love" i'm one of them. I want to avoiding that fact but i can't. I admit she the first one who truely love me but i doubt it. I'm blind that is why i can't see her who been in my life all the time. Now i hope she will be happy but not happier.


Mina close her laptop and her tears drop. She take a deep breath and she glance at wedding invitation card. She take it and her tears can't stop droping. "Why. I do love you chaeyoung."


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