Hair appointment

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"Y/n please come to this party with us! Yo boring ass never go anywhere!" Luna said while eating sour patch kids.

"Girl You really need some dick!" Mari joined in.

"Don't make me hang up!" You gave them a stank face.

"Bro just come with us this one time then we'll stop begging!" Luna pouted.

"Oh my fucking god! Fine! I'll go." You finally gave in.

"Aye!" Mari started dancing

"When is the party anyways?"

"Tomorrow!" Luna answered.

"Ain't no fucking way! I gotta do my hair and all that!" You yell at your phone.

"Don't you got a hair appointment in the morning? All you gotta do is find a fit." Mari says.

"whatever!" You roll your eyes.

"We love you too y/n!" Luna smiles.

"I'm going to bed good night."

"Night." Mari sings.

"Night love y'all!" Luna hangs up.

*facetime call ended*

You sat up on your bed because it was about time to take off your face mask.

"I hope this party isn't ghetto as hell."

You walk into your bathroom and turn on your playlist and 'show me up.' By lil tecca starts playing.

"Not gon' lie, yeah, that bitch is my crush And I know that she like the vibe, yeah." You sing along to the song while you start to peel the mask off.


The mask got stuck to your eyebrows and ripping it off was painful as fuck. You grabbed your face towel and used hot water to wipe the rest off.

'My skin looks pretty good.' You smile to yourself.

After cleaning yourself off in the bathroom you headed back to your room.

The house was quite as always.Your parents were never home and your brother moved out.

'I'm so bored.'

You laid on your bed and scrolled through Instagram and Twitter for a while.

'I should text that guy, I don't even know his name. He just put "C". Whatever I probably won't see him again.'

Your night was extremely uneventful. You stayed up till 2 am watching random YouTube videos.


You woke up and had about 2 hours to get to your hair appointment.

'How am I gonna do my make up for tonight? Do I wanna go all out or nah.' You looked at yourself in the mirror.

You did your normal routine. Washing your face, brushing your teeth and styling your hair in something simple.

You walked into your room and went straight to your closet to choose an outfit.

[choose a fit]

[choose a fit]

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