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While you guys ate Connie constantly tried to flirt and make small talk with you. You appreciated the effort he put into trying to make you laugh. You could honestly say you started to feel something for him.

After eating Luna and Mari invited everyone to come chill at their house.

"We gotta stop by the plug." Mari said.

"Plug? Y'all plan on getting fried tonight?"

"Who's y'all? You're getting fried too y/n!"Luna said.

"Who said that?"

"Me!" Luna clapped back.

"Man whatever."

Y'all pulled up at the familiar house and a tall dark skin walked over to the car.

"Hey Mari I see you brought your friends this time." He chuckled.

The boy kept eyeing you as him and Mari talked. You could admit he was cute but you weren't trynna get involved with a drug dealer.

"Yo lil mama could I get yo number?" He said talking to you.

"Uh." You looked to Mari for some help.

"Boy move!" She pushed his head from the window and pulled off.

You let out a breath.

"Y/n you looked like you were about to die!" Luna started laughing.

"I know right! Her eyes were all big and she was looking around for help."

"Whatever." You folded your arms and looked out the window.

The smell from the strong weed filled the car.

"Wait you got edibles too?" You looked over at The bag sitting on Mari's lap.

"Yes I sure did!"

"Gimme one!" You held your hand out.

"Wait till we get home."

You sucked your teeth and continued to look out the window.

As y'all pulled up to their apartment you saw Connie's car sitting outside. Mari pulled up next to the car and she got out. You grabbed your bags and started to walk to their door.

You saw Luna and Armin talking to one another as he helped her with her bags. Mari came up to the door with Jean and Connie behind her.

"Move out the way."

"My fault." You moved so Mari could unlock the door.

"Mi casa es su casa." Mari said opening the door.

The boys walked in and looked around the house.

"You guys can sit on the couch I'll be right back."

You plopped down on the couch like it was your house. Connie walked over and sat on the same couch as you but on the opposite side.

Luna and Armin came in she showed him to her room so he could put down the bags.

"Y'all smoke right?" Mari came out holding a grinder and some papers.

The boys nodded then Mari sat next to Jean.

You were looking at your phone and you felt someone burning holes in the side of your head. You looked up to see Connie staring at you intensely.


"Oh nothing." He chuckled

You tried hiding your smile as you went back to scrolling on your phone. Armin and Luna came out and sat on the love seat.

"Y'all ready?" Mari said while sparking up the blunt.

"Yeah, now can I have the edible?" You answered.

She threw the rice crispy at you and you caught it.

"Can I have some?" Connie held out his hand.

You scrunched up your nose because you didn't want to share but you looked at him and he smiled which made you feel bad.

"Ugh fine." You gave him half.

"Thank you shawty."

"Y/n it's your turn." Luna said holding out the blunt.

You grabbed it and put it between your lips. You took two deep puffs before passing it to Connie. You two made eye contact and he smirked.

You watched him as he inhaled with his eyes closed. You bit your lip at the sight of him. The way he blew the smoke out of his nose with his head back made him 10 times sexier.

"Here." He handed Mari the blunt with his eyes closed.

You started to eat the rice crispy. He slowly turns his head towards you and open his eyes. He eyed you up and down then smirked again.

'What's going on in his mind?'

Y'all passed the blunt all around until it was finished.

"Y'all can stay over if you want." Mari said getting up.

You weren't paying attention because you were too focused on enjoying your high. Once you opened your eyes it was just you and Connie sitting on the couch.

"Where'd they go?" You turned to Connie.

"They went to their rooms." He opened his eyes.

His eyes were low and red. His voice was deeper and calmer. Truthfully that made you horny but you weren't gonna try anything because of what happened last time.

"you want some water?" You felt your throat getting dry.


You got up and walked to the kitchen, little did you know he followed you. You bend down to grab the water out of the lower drawer in the fridge.

"Damn." You Heard Connie whisper.

You brought your head up and saw Connie staring at your ass from the other side of the kitchen island.

"Perv." You grabbed the water and closed the fridge door.

"I'm not a perv, you put it on full display." He laughed.

"Ha ha so funny." You started walking to the guest room which might as well be yours because you're always at their house.

"Where are you going?"

"To bed." You opened the door.

"You're just gonna leave me out here?"

"Uh yeah."

"Come on y/n lemme sleep with you! The bed seems big enough for both of us."

You spun around to look at the bed.

'I mean he's not wrong.'

You turned back around.

"Okay lemme change first." You closed the door in his face.

You walked over to the drawer and found some shorts and a over sized tee you left a few weeks ago.

"Ight you can come in." You opened the door when you were finished.

You walked to the far side of the bed and got in. He started to take off his pants.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't worry I got shorts on."


He hopped in the bed.

"There isn't another cover so you can get in mine but stay on your side."

"Sure thing beautiful."

You drank some of the water then placed the bottle on the nightstand before turning off the LEDs that were illuminating the room.

Authors note:
I think you know where this about to go!😏💃🏾

Ps: vote and comment :)

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