Bonus: something new

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"Ugh I'm so glad Mari is watching Arie." You said as you blew the smoke out your mouth.

Mari offered to watch conarie so you and Connie could get a break. The first thing y'all decided to do was smoke.

"Same but I kinda miss my baby." Connie said.

"Me too." You pouted and handed the blunt back to him.

"We shouldn't be worried. We should spend this time focusing on us." He started to move closer to you.

"I know exactly what you're trying to do con." You gave him a peck on the lips then got off the couch.

"Aww come on y/n, we haven't done it in a while." Connie whined and followed you into the kitchen.

"I know."

"Then you should be all over me."

"I will be once I get some water. You know I get cotton mouth." You said while grabbing a water bottle out the refrigerator.

Connie stopped you from closing the door so he could grab whipped cream. The only reason why y'all had it is because Connie liked to give it to Arie once and a while.

"What are you doing with that?" You smirked.

"Let's try something new." He sprayed some of it in his mouth.


And with that Connie placed the can on the counter then lifted you onto it too. He started kissing you roughly, the kind he knew you liked.

He broke the kiss so he could slip off your oversized shirt.

"This is where it gets fun." He said after he unhooked your bra.

He took the whipped cream and sprayed some on your boobs. It was cold so it made you jump a little. He started sucking and licking the cream off your chest.

His tongue was doing all types of tricks on your nipples. Your light moans could be heard throughout the kitchen.

He started to slide down your panties. They were already a little wet before he even started to touch you.

"You better not spray that shit down there." You stopped him before he could put the cream on your pussy.

"I wasn't gonna- okay I was but please just one little squirt. I'll lick it off fast."


"It's gonna make you taste even sweeter. Please, You agreed to try something new."

"Just one time." You rolled your eyes.

You saw a childish smile grow on his face. He licked his lips before spraying a little on you. He gave you a quick kiss before going down on you.

He started with kitten licks then he deepened them. You felt your eyes start to roll to the back of your head as his wet tongue explored your slit.

He licked up all the cream and he really enjoyed the taste. He put his thumb on your clit and began rubbing it slowly.

You placed your hand on his over grown buzz cut as he devoured your pussy. You enjoyed seeing him between your legs.

You missed this feeling, the feeling of extreme pleasure and he hasn't even done much to make you feel that way. Your climax was approaching faster than normal.

Ever since Arie was born you and Connie weren't able to do things together. You had a lot of built up stress that was just now being released.

"Con-" you couldn't even finish getting his name out before you came on his face.

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