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"Ladies first."

"So I just read any questions I want from chat?"

"Hm that doesn't seem fun now that I think about it. How about we choose the questions for each other."

"Okay sounds good."

"Let's throw a twist on this. If you don't answer the question you get a strike and the person with the most strikes has to do whatever the winner says."

"I hope you're ready to lose baldie." You giggle.

"You calling me baldie kinda hurts girl." He grabbed his chest and made a fake hurt face.

"Whatever, let's just start!"

"Okay okay damn."

Connie started reading the chat intensely until a smile came across his face.

"We'll start with a simple question. When was your first kiss?"

"I was uh 14 and it was a dare. My turn!"

"So you didn't actually want to kiss that person?"

"It's my turn connie." You give him a petty smile.

"Okay be like that."

"Hmmm Ouu okay. How big is it Connie?"

"Is what?"

"You know." You point to his crotch.

"What. The. Fuck."

"Will this be your first strike?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Why did you ask that when you already know the answer?" He started smirking.

"Your fans wanted to know, are you just gonna leave them hanging?"

"I don't wanna say it because they're gonna say some sus shit."

"Ohhh too bad guys I tried." You pout and look into the camera.

"My turn. This time I'm gonna find a good question."


"What's your body count?"

"Woooow! Who ever asked that, your moms a hoe!"

"Woah chill out y/n!"

"I'm not answering that." You cross your arms.

"Less than 5 or more?"

"Connie I said I'm not answering that."

"Alright then we're tied."

"So what's YOUR body count then?"

"Is that your question?"


"7, my turn."


"Yup, rate me 1 to 10." Connie started smiling and feeling himself.


"Be honest!"

You started examining the tan boy and you noticed he had light freckles on his face that you didn't see before. Truthfully those made him more attractive but you wanted to rate him low just to see his reaction.

"I say you're an adjustable 4."

"Lying ass- what even is an adjustable 4?"

"On a normal day you're a 4 but you can dress up and that could make you a 5." You try not to laugh.

"Oh." He made a slightly frowning face.

"I'm just playing. You're a 9."

"Not a 10?"

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