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"Fuck." You whispered as Connie pulled up to your house.


"That car, it's my brothers." You point to the car on the opposite side of the street.

"You never told me you had a brother."

"Well now you know. You can come in just don't be weird."


You both got out the car and walked up to your door. You unlocked it and the house was quiet.

"Jay?" You say while taking off your shoes.

"Yeah?" Your brother appears at the top of the stairs.

"Hey, you didn't say you were coming home."

"It was supposed to be a surprise for you but you weren't here." He walked downstairs to give you a hug.

"Yeah sorry." You hug him.

"So who is this?" Jay broke the hug.

"This is Connie, my uh boyfriend."

Connie gave you and your brother an awkward smile.

"Yo wassup man I'm Jay. My sister never introduced me to one of her boyfriends." Jay held out his hand for Connie to shake.

"Hi Nice to meet you." Connie showed off his pretty smile.

"You better treat my sister right or imma kill you." He started laughing.

He may have been laughing but you knew he was serious.

"Your sister is like a queen to me. She deserves nothing but respect and I'll give her that."

"I like him n/n."

"I'm glad."

"Does mom and dad know you have a boyfriend and that you be bringing him home?"

"No and you're not gonna tell them."

"I won't."

"Good. I need to get some stuff then we'll be leaving. I'll be back in the morning though."

"You're spending the night with him?"

"Yes Jay! I'm grown so I can do what I want!"

Connie laughed at your words.

"Boy come on." You grab Connie's hand and dragged him up the stairs and into your room.

"Nice room."

"It's nothing compared to yours."

"It's still nice."

"Yeah I guess. I'm actually gonna shower since we're here so just wait."


"Don't go snooping through my room while I'm gone."

"I won't."

You quickly found some clothes to change into them went to take a shower.

+time skip+

You were done showering so you put on that bra and panties Connie bought you then you got dressed and sprayed your favorite perfume.

"I feel clean now." You say as you walk back into your bed room.

Connie was knocked out on your bed so you decided to take a couple of pictures of him.

"Aw so cute." You whisper.

You let him sleep as you found some clothes to wear at His house and while you packed your toothbrush and a few things for your hair.

"Hey con." You slowly shake him.

"Hmm?" He started to wake up.

"I'm ready to go."

"Ahh that nap hit the spot." He began stretching.

"I bet it did."

"You smell really good." Connie pulled you close.

His arms were wrapped around your waist.

"Thank you."

You both layed in that cuddling position for a few minutes.

"Why did you tell your brother I was your boyfriend?"

"It's easier just saying you're my boyfriend than explaining our situation."

"What is our situation y/n?"

"We're..." you didn't say anything else.

"That said enough." He got up and started walking towards your door.

'Did I make him mad?'

You followed Connie out your room and down the stairs.

"It was nice meeting you jay, I'll see you whenever." Connie gave your brother a light smile and walked out the front door.

"What happened?" Jay got off the couch and walked towards you.

"I just made him upset, it's okay though. I'll see you in the morning." You gave jay a hug and left.

Connie was already in the car and you got in. The ride back to his place was awkward. The radio wasn't on and Connie didn't say a word to you.

"Con." You turn to him and pout.

No response.

"Con!" You get louder.

He still didn't look your way.

"Fine don't speak." You crossed your arms.

He didn't speak nor pay any attention to you. After a couple of minutes y'all pulled up to his house.

"Y/n." Connie held out his hand to give you the car keys back.

"Thanks." You grab them and walk into his house behind him.

You followed him up the stairs and into his room.

"You can put on whatever you want." Connie said as he started stripping.

You nod your head and start changing on the other side of his room. You set your stuff on his desk and sit on his bed.

Connie was laying on his headboard and on his phone. He was shirtless and only wearing basketball shorts.

'Damn he looks good.'

You turned around and grabbed his remote. You remember Netflix had the twilight series on there so you decided to watch that.

"Come on." He put his phone down and held out his arms.

"W-What?" You looked confused.

"Come cuddle with me shawty."

You rolled your eyes at the name but you got in between his arms. He pulled the covers over both of you and you started watching the movie.

"I like you y/n. We haven't known each other long but there's something about you that I really like. You probably think I only want you for sex but that's not true. You're different-"

"Shut up!"

His words made you feel some type of way. You weren't hurt by anyone you were just a player. You got what you wanted from guys and left. Something about Connie was different and you could feel that. You've told yourself over and over you wouldn't fall in love but what could be so bad about that?

'Is it about time I try loving someone?'

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking."

"No it's fine. Nobody has ever confessed to me like that so."

Connie hummed in response.

'This is the part where I say I like him back, right?'

Authors note:
I got school on Monday and I'm stressing! hopefully I can still update consistently!

Ps: vote and comment :)

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