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The car ride to the mall was quiet. Your phone was blowing up but you couldn't answer it.

"Y/n turn your phone off."

You rolled your eyes and did it.

Once y'all got into the mall your mom started looking for a specific store.

"Tell me about your boyfriend."

You gave her an annoyed look.



"You're gonna see him tomorrow and you can ask all the questions you want."

"At least tell me his name."


"Connie what?"

You didn't respond because the more you answer her questions the more she'll ask.

"Can we try to get along today y/n?"

"We can."


Your mom found the store she was looking for. You both went in and she started looking around. You knew it was gonna be a while so you turned your phone back on.

*incoming FaceTime call from con😘*

"Y/n! Why didn't you text me when you got home?" Connie yelled over the phone.

You had to put your AirPods in and walk out the store so your mom wouldn't hear.

"Nigga calm down!"

"No, what if something happened to you?"

"Nothing did so." You rolled your eyes.

"Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"First of all stop yelling because I'm this close to hanging up on you! Secondly I'm with my mom at the mall so leave me alone."

"Okay, well call me later I gotta stream."

"Ight bye."

*FaceTime call ended*

'This nigga got some nerve.'

You walked back into the store and your mom was still looking at dresses. You followed her around for a while until you got bored and started looking at the shoes they had.

"Which one?"She held up two dresses.

"The blue one."

"I thought you'd might say that." She chuckled a little.

"How much is it?"


"Wow a lot cheaper than your other dresses."

"Your dad is gonna be happy about that."

You both walked up to the counter to pay for her dress.

"Do you know the girl Jaylen is bringing?"

"No, he didn't say anything about her."

You and your mom shopped around for a dress you liked. You looked in a lot of stores but couldn't find a dress you could fit or one that looked good on you. There was one last store you haven't tried. You found a couple dresses but your mom hated them. She grabbed a really long dress with sleeves.

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