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You turned around to see Connie standing behind you. He looked...perfect. His hair was freshly cut and he had a new stud in his nose. His style changed a little bit and it looked good.

"Hi." You had a toothy smile plastered on your face.

He walked around the bench and sat far away from you. You could smell his strong cologne as he walked by. You both were sitting on opposite sides of the bench and you were staring at the pond.

He was looking down at his hands. It was silent and kinda awkward.

"Uh So..." Connie started talking.

You turned to face him and you both made eye contact. He smiled and you smiled back.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good, better than I was before. How are you?"

"I'm happy."


"Yeah, happy." He couldn't stop smiling at you.

"I think we should talk about what we did over this break and how we felt."

"Okay I'll go first. Uh The first week and a half I was sad because I didn't think you would talk to me again. During that time I started to think about myself and what I did to make you feel the way you did."

You nodded your head and moved closer to him.

"Uh damn I lost my train of thought. You're kinda distracting." He chuckled a little bit.

"Distracting? I didn't do anything, continue talking."

"I just forgot how beautiful you were." He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Boy shut up!" You started giggling like a school girl.

"Im glad I can still make you laugh." He moved a little closer to you.

"Okay finish what you were saying." You tried hiding your smile.

"Right, uh I realized I was the problem and that you're perfect."

"I wouldn't say all that but I mean."

"What did you do over our break?"

"I got a job, uh I went to an appointment and I heard the baby's heartbeat and I got these." You pulled the pictures out your purse and handed them to him.

"You're like 15 weeks right?" He grabbed the pictures.

"Yeah, you kept count."

"Of course I did." He was studying the pictures.


"The baby is a size of a pear now, right?."

"Ok how do you know that?"

"I did some research. Most of the time I was panicking and googling everything."

"Panicking? Why?" You were trying not to laugh at him.

"I've never had a baby before! I need to know everything there is in order for me to be a good dad."

You busted out laughing and he stared at you with a lost expression.

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