Plan B

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I'll take the Plan B and text you what happens.
-Y/n <3

"That's what you said in the note?" Mari yelled over the FaceTime call.

"Uh yeah? What was I supposed to say?" You said while walking through the pharmacy.

"Don't you think you should've waited for him to wake up?" Luna frowned.

"And do what?"

"I don't know maybe he wanted to come! But I actually don't think you should take a Plan B I wouldn't mind seeing a mini y/n."

"Luna how about you have a baby since you're the one with baby fever." Mari rolled her eyes.

"Which one should I get?" You turned the camera around so they could see.

"How should we know?" Luna said.

"I wasn't asking you. Mari which one?"

"The purple , white and pink box."

"Thanks. I'll call y'all later."

You hung up before they could respond.

You grabbed a couple of pregnancy tests before leaving the store. once you got back in the car you checked the time and it said 9:30am. You had a couple of calls from Connie.

'I see he read the note.'

You didn't answer instead you took the plan B with water and drove home.

+time skip+

"You're home earlier than expected." Jay said as you walked into the house.

"And you're up earlier than I expected!" You spat.

"You hungry?"

"Mmm yeah."

"Pancakes,eggs, bacon?"

"Yes jay!" You rolled your eyes and walked up the stairs.

"Where you going?"

"I'm gonna shower, now start cooking!"

"Yes massa, I'm on it!"

You laughed and walked into your room. You felt your body start to feel weird but you wrote it off as the medicine doing it's job. You quickly got your stuff and showered.

"Jay?" You heard music playing downstairs.

"Foods ready!" He yelled back.

You made your way down the stairs and saw jay vibing to Kanye and eating.

"Nigga you left me 2 strips of bacon, really?" You sat across from him.

"My fault! I forgot how good bacon is."

"What do you mean?"

"My girlfriend doesn't like the smell so."

"Girlfriend? The all mighty jay has a girlfriend?"

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