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Y'all were finally situated in the hospital room. Connie held your hand as the contractions hit you hard. The moments of relief were the only times you and Connie could talk to each other.

"You called Armin and Luna?" You asked Connie.

"Yeah I did, like 30 minutes ago."

"That's weird, Luna would've called me by now."

"I'll FaceTime Armin."

The phone rang a little before Armin's pale face popped up.

"Are you in the hospital?" Connie asked.

"Yes! I'm sorry for not calling back but when Luna found out Y/n's water broke, she got so excited that hers broke too."

"Really?" You grabbed the phone.

"Yeah look." He adjusted the camera and you saw Luna laying in a hospital bed talking to a doctor.

"Oh my god! Take out your Air pods."

"Okay." Armin took them out and handed his phone to Luna.

"Y/n! I'm sorry I can't be there right now."she laughed a little.

"Luna I can't believe yours broke too. Are you okay?"

"Because he's early they want me to stay calm and stress free but I'm good."

"That's good, what's your room number?"

Luna looked at Armin because she didn't know.

"309." Armin said.

"Wait we're 315, right con?"


"Armin go outside and see if you can see Connie." You said.

Connie got up and went outside the room. You heard Connie start laughing.

"Hi y/n." Armin came in and gave you a hug."

"You smell like mints." You made a disgusted face because that smell made you feel sick.

"Sorry I eat those when I'm nervous."


"I should go back to Luna, I'll see y'all later." Armin left the room.

"Why'd you say ew? That probably hurt his feelings." Connie laughed.

"Armin is a grown ass man, if ew hurt his feelings then oh well."

Your doctor walked in with a huge smile on her face.

"So how are you doing?"


"That's good, I need to check how far along you are so could you sit up a bit."

You sat up and spread your legs. Connie watched and the doctor shoved her hand up in you.

"Oh wow!" The doctor said.

"Is there something wrong?" Connie stood up.

"No, she's 4 centimeters, that's good." The doctor stood back and took off her gloves.

"Oh." Connie sat back down.

"I'll be back to check every hour so be ready." She said before leaving.

"Every hour? I wish she would just come already! I'm sleepy!" You whined.

"It's okay, are you hungry?" Connie kissed you on the forehead.

"Yeah but I don't want hospital food."

"You want pancakes?"

"Yes, yes I do."

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