Mom & Dad

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"You wanna spark up?" Connie pulled out a blunt from his night stand.

"Hell yeah."

"See you fucked up already!"

"What you mean?"

"You're pregnant, you can't smoke."

"A couple puffs wouldn't hurt." You try grabbing the blunt from him.

"Okay when our baby come out with a toe on its head." He shrugged his shoulders and started to hand it to you but at the last second he snatched it back.

"Bro stop playing!"

"You can smoke this in nine months." He chuckled and put the blunt back in his nightstand.

"You're so annoying." You grabbed the covers at the foot of his bed and laid down with your back towards him.

"Goodnight, love you." Connie said as he turned off the Tv and laid down behind you.

'Love you?'

"Night con."

Some time during the night Connie cuddled up behind you and hooked onto your waist.

To your surprise you woke up before Connie. His grip on you was tight so you couldn't get out of his grasp. You decided to check your phone to see what time it was.


"Wake up baldie." You started shaking Connie awake.

"Five more minutes."

"No nigga I gotta go!"

"Fine." He let go of you and turned to the other side of his bed.

"You gotta get up too!"

"Ask Sasha to take you home." He said while putting a pillow over his face.

"She's here? Since when?"

"Yes don't you smell that? And she came in at like 3."

You started getting your clothes on from last night and you walked downstairs to where Sasha was cooking.

"Y/n? hi!" Sasha basically screamed.

"Hi!" She kinda scared you.

"You want some? I made a lot."

"Yeah sure." You sat at the kitchen island.

It was quiet at first but Sasha started talking.

"I didn't expect you and Connie to last this long."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I mean with his issues and you not texting him, like ever, I just thought y'all were a one and done."

'How tf she know all that?'

"His issues?"

"Yeah his anger issues."

You looked at her with a blank face.

"Me and him used to date. That's how I know."


'So he lives with his ex, I thought they were just besties. When was he gonna tell me that?'

"I hope I didn't make it weird or anything." Sasha awkwardly laughed.

"Nah you're good."

She was not good. Learning that made you feel some type of way but maybe you were just overthinking it.

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