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"Do you actually love me?"

You started choking on your food. The question really came out of nowhere.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I just um..."

The simple answer to his question was yes, you do love him but to what extent. He cheated on you but he's the father of your child you HAD to love him right?

"When I said I loved you I meant it. You're special to me."

"If I was so special why'd you cheat on me?" You were annoyed by his words. He said he loved you but did he really. Actions speak louder than words and his actions proved he didn't.

"I said it was a mistake."

"Why'd you cheat on me?" You said it slower.

"Sasha was there to help me. I was frustrated and I needed to release it."

You just nodded your head.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm tired, we should go."


You were still mad at him but it was hard to maintain your anger when you were with him. It's like he put a spell on you. One part of you wanted to forgive him and fuck him but the other part wanted nothing to do with him.

The drive back to your house was silent and you received small glances from Connie.

"So can I stay over?"

"Um..." you thought about saying hell no but then you remembered he lived with sasha.

"I can just go back-"

"Yeah you can stay." You cut him off.

As soon as you did you had a weird feeling hit your body. You opened the car door and threw up on the sidewalk.

"You good?" Connie got out the car and ran to your side.

"Yeah it's just morning sickness." You said as you got out the car and started walking to your house.

"It's not the morning though." Connie followed behind you.

"Morning sickness doesn't have to be in the morning." You walked into your house and started walking upstairs towards your bathroom.

"Oh." Connie locked the door and walked to your room.

You brushed your teeth then walked back into your room. Connie was in your bed with no shirt and some basketball shorts.

'Why does he have to look so sexy all the time?'

You changed your clothes then got in bed and laid down. You were tired as hell so you almost instantly fell asleep.

'A wet dream, really?'

You woke up and it was dark but you could see a light coming from the other side of the bed. You heard songs playing and you realized he was on tiktok.

You had a wet dream for the first time in forever. You could feel that your panties were wet.

Connie didn't notice you were awake until you touched his chest.

"Fuck you scared me." Connie jumped from your touch.

You climbed on top of him and looked down into his eyes.

"How'd you sleep?"


You had one hand on the side of his neck and your other hand was traveling down his chest.

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