"You like me"

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"What you want to eat?" He asked while putting the keys into the ignition.

"I just want some wings."

"Oh then we can go to American Deli."

"I've never tried their food."

"Trust me it's good."


He started driving and it was kinda awkward without any music so you grabbed the aux.

"Wait Lemme get aux."

"You literally just saw me grab it."

"Just lemme play one song."

"Fine but you better not play some trash shit."


The song started playing and Connie head started bobbing to the beat. Your head was moving to the unusual sounding beat.

"Yeah, had to get my guap up, yeah Higher than your altitude. Nigga with an attitude. Young nigga got booked like room." Connie started singing the song.

'Wait did he just- Aint no way!'

"Did you just say nigga?" You turned down the song.

"Yeah?" He turned the song back up.

You just looked at him with a confused face.

"Chill Y/n I'm black." He laughed.

"Black?" You whispered to yourself then took another look at him.

'This nigga must be mixed or sum.'

"Yes I'm mixed." He laughed again.

'How come I didn't notice until now?' You turn to look out the window.

Connie mumbled the lyrics to the song while you bobbed your head.

"So did you like it?"

"I mean it was alright." You shrugged your shoulders.

" I'll take it."

"Lemme play my songs now."

"Now YOU better not play anything trash."

He handed you the aux. you shuffled your playlist and one of your favorite songs started to play.

"This ma shit!"

You started singing/rapping the song and Connie started focusing more on you than the road.

"I guess this really is yo shit." He chuckled.

You rapidly nod your head and continue to sing/rap your heart out. It wasn't long before y'all pulled up in front of the restaurant.

"Should we eat here or take it home?" Connie turned to you.


Y'all both got out and walked into the restaurant. There was two people in front of y'all so you had enough time to really look at the menu.

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