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It was the day of your second appointment and you were sitting outside waiting for Connie. You tried calling him a couple times but he didn't answer.

"This nigga swore he would be here!" You yelled.

You were sitting in the parking lot mad as hell. You were at your limit. How could he lie...again? What could he be doing?

It was about time for your appointment and he still hasn't shown up. Not one call or text was sent to you. Nothing.

Your appointment went well and you still didn't get any calls from Connie. You decided to just block him and go home. It made you extremely angry to not have Connie there with you.

He was the father of your child yet he didn't act like it. Everything he says must be a lie right?

You got home and Jay was there with Nora.

"Y/n hi!" Nora got up to hug you.

"Hi Nora."

"What's wrong?" Jay could tell you were upset about something.

"It's nothing." You tried walking up the stairs but jay stopped you.

"I'm not gonna force you to talk just know I'm here for you."


Once you got into your room you plopped on your bed. You wanted to sleep the whole day away. Connie completely ruined your mood. He was slowly gaining your trust but this, this was the last straw.

"Y/n?" You heard jay knocking on your door.

"What?" You started waking up from your nap.

"Connies here for you?"

Your blood started to boil once you heard his name. You got up, put your slides on and stormed out your room. He was downstairs sitting on the couch.

"Let's go!" You grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the door.

You pushed him outside and you followed behind.

"Y/n I get that you're mad just let me explain-" connie was talking fast like he was scared.

"Explain what? Why you ditched me again? You know what, fuck you!" You screamed in his face.

"Please just let me talk!" He yelled back.

"No! You don't get to talk! Just shut up!" You started hitting his chest.

"I'm sorry." He tried hugging you but you were still hitting him.

"You're a fucking liar!"

"I over slept, I'm sorry!"

"Oh you over slept, huh?"


You turned around and walked back into your house.

"Why were y'all yelling?" Jay asked.

"Ask that idiot." You walked upstairs and into your room.

You could hear Jay open the door for Connie and let him in again.

"Hey y/n? Jay wants to speak with you." Nora said from outside your door.

You cursed under your breath but you got up. You walked down the stairs to see Jay talking to Connie. You sat on the couch with Jay. You couldn't even look at Connie.

"Y/n, what's wrong?"

"Didn't Connie tell you?"

"He said he missed your appointment because he over slept."

"He's a liar! How the fuck could you over sleep on the day of my appointment?"

"Calm down."

"No! Nora wouldn't you be mad if Jay didn't come to your appointments for your baby?"

Nora nodded her head yes.

"Y/n I know what you're thinking but that didn't happen I swear."

"Shut up!"

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Jay you don't know everything and it's best if you don't."

"Just tell me so I can help you!"

"Jay..." Connie started.

"No, Connie shut up!"

"I cheated on your sister."

Jay just sat there like he was trying to understand what Connie just said.

"Tell me you didn't just-"


Jay got up and punched Connie in his face. Connie just took the hits jay was giving him.

"Jaylen!" Nora tried pulling him off of Connie.

You didn't help her you just sat there. In your eyes Connie deserved to get his ass beat.

"Get the fuck out!" Jay yelled and basically threw Connie towards the door.

"Y/n, I love you." You saw a tear fall from Connies eyes.

You watched him Stumble out the door. You quickly got up and ran to your room.

You laid on your bed and started to cry. You felt an uncomfortable tightness in your chest. The air you were taking in felt like razors moving through you.

Your heart was broken and you didn't think there was a way to fix it this time. You loved Connie a lot. It felt like you were drowning in emotions.

Pain, anger, fear. Those emotions are a dangerous mixture. You had a feeling you were going to do something you will regret.

Maybe he did over sleep. Maybe you were just over thinking. He said he was sorry but did he mean it? Did he cheat again?

You couldn't get the thought of him out of your mind. His smile, his hazel eyes, those freckles that were perfectly placed on his face. You couldn't let that go. You couldn't let him go.

You notice it started raining heavy and that calmed you. You wanted to clear your head so you decided to take a drive. You put on a dark hoodie and some joggers.

"Where you going?" Jay asked.

"On a drive."

"Be safe."

Once you got in the car you put on your slow vibey playlist. You started driving around with no destination in mind. Well maybe you had one.

You pulled up to Connie's house and sat there for a few minutes. Your fingers were hovering over that send button. Eventually you ended up sending the text.

Not even a minute later you saw Connie walking out of his house and to your car. He had a black hoodie over his head and he slowly walked over.

The rain had no sign of letting up so he got drenched. He got into the car and it was quiet. You didn't look at him and he didn't look at you.

"Con..." you looked over at him and you noticed his lip was busted.

"Y/n..." he took the hood off from his head.

"Don't lie to me. Did you actually over sleep?"


"That's so hard to believe."

"I know! If you think I was with her I wasn't. Sasha wasn't even home, ask Jean."

Connie has never seen you in pain until now. You couldn't hold back. It was frustrating not being able to truly know if he was lying or telling the truth.

Authors note:
I know this probably made y'all angry 💀 y'all think Connie lying about over sleeping?

Ps: vote and comment :)

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