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You walked up a couple of steps then stopped so you could hear what Jay had to Say to Connie.

"Sit down."


You heard Connie walk towards the couch. It was quiet for a minute so you peaked down the stairs for a second. You saw Jay staring down Connie intensely.

Connie was shaking his leg like he was nervous but you couldn't see his face because the back of his head was towards you.

"She was right." Jay started laughing.

"Who was right?" Connie questioned.

"Y/n, she said you were scared. Nigga calm down."

You tried not to bust out laughing.

"Um..." Connie said.

"My bad man. You don't have to be scared cause I knocked you around a lil bit."


"Do you love my sister?" You heard Jay's tone get serious.


Jay smacked his lips before talking. "You remember what you said to me when we first met."

"Uh no not really."

"You said and I quote, Your sister is like a queen to me. She deserves nothing but respect and I'll give her that. Have you been true to your word?"

You saw Connie shift a little bit then scratch the back of his neck.

"No I haven't."

"Why? My sister means everything to me and you lied to both of us. I get she wants to be with you and I respect that but if you fuck up one more time I will kill you. You don't want your baby to be fatherless do you now?" Jay started laughing again.

'Damn Jay is really grilling this nigga.'

"No! No, I want what's best for her and my baby."

"Okay then be what's best for her. Show her you're worth it."

You found yourself smiling at Jay's words. Hopefully what he said went through to him.

"Jaylen!" Nora yelled from upstairs.

"My baby is calling, I gotta go." Jay got up.

You had to make a run for it before he got to the stairs. You quickly took off your clothes once you got into your room.

"Ouu what's this?" Connie walked in and you were in your underwear.


"Really?" He walked up to you and hooked his hands around your waist. He laid his head in the crook of your neck and started kissing.

"Boy stop."

"Do you really want me to stop?" He whispered into your ear.

"No but Jay is here and he could hear us."

"He's probably in there fucking up Nora right now."

"Ew why the fuck would you say that." You pushed him away from you.

"My bad. Come on, we'll be quiet."

You turned around to look at him and he had a toothy smile on his face. His hazel eyes traveled down your body and that smile turned into a smirk.

"You always trynna get me to fuck you. Why can't we just watch a movie and cuddle."

"Because making a movie is better."

"I'm sick of you." You rolled your eyes then started looking through your drawers from some clothes.

"I'm just fucking with you."

You hummed in response.

"You're 16 weeks now. When do we find out the gender?" Connie said while touching your stomach.

"Next appointment I think. I'll be 20 weeks then."

"Ugh I can't wait that long."

"Uh order for Connie." The girl who made your drinks called out.

Connie got up and got the drinks for you. He came back and he was pouting.

"What's wrong?"

"They spelled my name wrong!"


"Look. C-o-n-n-y!" He turned his cup around and you saw the sharpie written on the side of his cup.

"Aw poor baby. Let's go back up there and tell her to rewrite it." You had a sarcastic tone.

He smacked his lips and started slurping down his drink.

"I love you." You made kissing noises

He looked over and stole a kiss from you. You could taste the coffee he left on your lips.

"I love you too." He mumbled.

It was about time for your appointment and you were excited. This would be the first time Connie came with you.

"Hi, Y/n- oh who is this?" Your doctor said once she walked in the room.

"I'm Connie." He smiled proudly.

"Connie...the father, Connie?" She looked at you for some type of approval.

"Yes, that's him."

"Ohhh it's nice to finally meet you." She held out her hand to shake Connie's.

"Nice to meet you too."

"Okay, let's check on the baby! Are you excited to see them again?"

"Yeah!" Connie said before you could say anything.

Connie watched in amazement as the doctor squeezed the gel on your stomach. He looked really excited to see the baby.

"They're the size of an avocado." The doctor pointed to the screen.

The doctor checked a few things but she ultimately said the baby was healthy. She talked about how you should eat more green vegetables.

"How did she know about me?" Connie asked.

"She's one of my mom's friends so she knew everything about me before I even walked through the door."

"Damn your parents are still keeping tabs on you?"

"Hell yeah."

"You'll be free one day." He started laughing.

"I hope so."

Y'all got back to the house and you walked in to see Jay and Nora watching a Movie.

"Hey so how was the appointment?"

"It was good, the baby is fine." You kept it short.

"Good, Do y'all have plans for tonight?"

You looked at connie and he shook his head no.

"Do you guys want to come out to eat with us?"Nora asked.

"Yeah sure, what time?"

"7:30, wear something nice." Jay smiled.

You felt like Jay's aura was kinda off but you didn't dig too deep into it. You and Connie went upstairs and into your room.

"I gotta go home to get some clothes, you wanna come?"

"Nah just don't take long."

"You gonna time me or something?"

"Connie don't start. Take more that 25 minutes to get back and I'll cut off your hands."

"Woah okay, I'll be back soon. Love you." He kissed you on the cheek then walked out the room.

Authors note:
I just remembered all those times Luna called Connie, 'Ronnie'😭😭

This chapter was kinda boring because I had writers block 😕

Ps: vote and comment :)

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