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"Do you have the urge to push?" The doctor asked with her fingers all up in you.

"Yeah kinda."

"That's good, you're 9 centimeters. I'll be back soon, the baby is coming any minute now."

"Oh fuck." Connie whispered. He started pacing back and forth in the room.

"A lot of dads do this, it's normal." The doctor took off her gloves and threw them away.

"Con could you please sit down, you're making me nervous."

"I-I'm nervous. I think I'm gonna be sick."


"I'm sorry, I need some air. I'll be back." He gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't leave! Wait con."

He left you alone in that room. You didn't know what to do so you just sat there waiting for him to come back.

'I can't believe he just left me.'

The urge to push grew larger, luckily the doctor came back in with some nurses to prepare you. They did another ultrasound to see the baby. She was in the perfect position for you to start pushing.

"Hey I called Jay and he said he's coming soon, along with your parents." Connie came back to the room.

You nodded your head and held your hand out for Connie to grab. There was one doctor and three nurses in the room.

"You look like you want to push. Go ahead and give it a try." The doctor said.

You had a firm grip on Connie's hand and you pushed.

"You need more effort than that if you want her to come out." The doctor laughed.

You haven't slept for 12 hours and you are extremely tired. You just wanted to get it over with.

"Push harder for me okay." Connie whispered.

You side eyed him then put your focus back on pushing.

It's been about an hour of this back and forth. Pushing with nothing happening. You finally got tired of doing this so every push you put your all into.

"I can feel the baby's head. You're doing great, keep going."

You dug your nails into Connie's hand and pushed. You could feel the stretching that was happening down there.

"Another big one!"

You looked up at Connie and he looked really scared. You thought it was cute so you smiled at him.

"You got this." He smiled back.

You took a deep breath before gathering all the strength you had into this final push. Before you knew it the room was filled with the cries of a baby.

One of the nurses cut the umbilical cord while the one holding the baby placed her on your chest.

"Hi." Your voice was shaky and tears were falling down your face.

You finally got to see her after a long nine months.

"Mini me." Connie touched her head. He had tears in his eyes too and he was shaking.

"Do you want me to clean her off?" The small nurse asked.


The nurse picked her up and your eyes followed them to the little thing placed on the sink. She cleaned her face, nose and body. She put a diaper on and wrapped her in a blanket. The nurse was extremely quick and you were surprised.

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