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There you were, standing in front of Mari as she opened the door to her apartment.

"Y/n? What happened to you?"

Your makeup was running down your face and you had no shoes on because you took them off to drive.

"A lot." You whispered with a shaky voice.

"Come in."

You walked inside and sat on the couch. You were zoned out but you saw Mari going from her room to the guess room then back into the living room.

"Here, you wanna talk about it?" Mari handed you some clothes and makeup wipes.

You shook your head no.

"Okay, I'll be in my room if you wanna talk."

Mari left you in the living room. You replayed the night in your head as you wiped the makeup off your face. You changed your clothes and walked into the guest room so you could sleep.

You spent the last two days at Mari and Luna's house but it was time to go home because you had to get more clothes. You remembered your parents had some place to go so you waited from them to leave so you could sneak back into the house.

"You're okay!" Jay ran up to you and gave you a hug.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Why didn't you answer my calls?" He broke the hug.


"Because what? We thought something happened to you!"

"You act like they actually care. I gotta get some stuff then I'm leaving again."

"Where are you going?"


You walked upstairs and into your room. You grabbed your duffel bag and started throwing your clothes into it. You knew for sure your parents were gonna kick you out so you decided to grab everything you could.

You changed into something for your appointment then made your way downstairs.

"Ight jay I'm leaving."

"Please tell me where you're going?"

"To Luna and Mari's house. Don't tell mom or dad."

"I won't, just be safe and please call me."

"I will."

You threw the bag in the backseat and got in the car. Your appointment was in an hour so you had enough time to get some food. You stopped off at Dunkin' Donuts so you could get some donuts and an iced coffee.

Your appointment went well. The doctor confirmed your pregnancy and ran some tests on you. You were healthy and ready to carry a baby.

You spent a last two weeks with Luna and Mari. Surprisingly your parents didn't freeze your card or have gotten the car towed.

You still haven't talked to Connie. It's not like you've tried anyways. You missed him but you thought he would text you, at least once but he didn't.

The urge to see him grew larger over the next few days. You just wanted to see if he was okay. You could deal with the fact he wouldn't want to be with you.

You made your mind up, you were going to see him.

You took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Yo wassup y/n." Jean answered the door.

"Hi Jean."

"I think Connie's upstairs I'm not sure I just got home."

"I'll just go to his room."

"Knock yourself out."

You walked up the stairs to Connie's door. You knocked first but there was no answer. You opened the door and there he was. Sleeping in his bed like a baby.

But next to him was Sasha.

He was cuddled up with her but not for long. As soon as you saw them you decided to beat her ass but you just wanted them to sleep a bit longer.

You pulled out your phone and took a picture for Luna and Mari. You walked into the room and stood above Sasha kinda like a serial killer. You quickly grabbed her by her hair and dragged her on the floor.

"Ow!" She screamed which woke Connie up.

Her body slammed on the floor and you got on top of her. Your fists connected with her face with ease. You could hear every punch.

"What the fuck!" Connie tried to pull you off but it wasn't working.

Your inner hulk was released. He couldn't stop you from hitting her.

"Stop!" Sasha cried out.

"I'll stop when I want to!" You yelled in her face.

Jean ran up the stairs once he heard her body hit the ground.

"Y/n get off of her!" Jean yelled.

You continued to pounce on her. She was scratching your arms but that didn't phase you. She was incredibly weak so it was easy to over power her. Jean and Connie just stood there because they knew you weren't gonna budge.

You had enough of beating her face in so you got off of her and blood was dripping off your knuckles. You walked over to Connie who was just standing there.

"Y/n back up." Connie was slowly backing away from you.

"I actually loved you." You started laughing like a maniac.

"You're crazy!"

You punched him in his jaw. It hurt your hand but you had to be a bad bitch so you just walked out the room then eventually left the house.

The adrenaline was rushing through your body. Your hands were shaking and they started to swell up. You had her blood all over your hands and you were just staring at them.

'I can't believe I trusted that nigga.'

You drove to the nearest gas station so you could wash your hands. You grabbed a couple snacks on the way out of the store.

You sat in the gas station parking lot stuffing your face with snacks and crying. You were about to be a single mom with no place to live. Obviously you could live with your friends but sometimes you needed privacy aka your own house.

Right there in that car you made a plan. Get a job, get an apartment and take care of the baby by yourself. It was gonna be hard but you were determined to do it.

Your phone started ringing which interrupted your thoughts.

'Dad? What the fuck does he want?'

He never called you like ever. You were surprised he had your number.

"Hello?" You said with an attitude.

"Y/n, come home." He was surprisingly calm.

"If you want the car and the card I'll bring them home."

"Just come home and we'll talk."


You wiped your face and fixed yourself up so you could drive to the house.

Authors note:
Hi! How y'all doing today?😁

I'm currently failing my classes because all I can think about is the next chapter of this book or how I want to write the plot of a new book. Besides all that I'm great 🥰

Ps: vote and comment :)

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