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"Nothing?" Connie was really skeptical about what you two were actually talking about.

"Yeah nothing." Jean said with a smile on his face.

There was a loud knock at the door and since Connie was closest to it he went to open it.

"What's up with him? All up in our business." Jean laughed.

"He's probably just jealous." You moved a little closer to Jean.

"Jealous? We didn't do anything yet beautiful."

"Jean stop!" You rolled your eyes.

You saw Sasha walk in with a blonde haired dude. She side eyed you then went to talk to Ymir.

"Don't worry about her. She's not gonna do anything."

"How do you know?"

"She's scared of you."


Connie walked back over so you moved away from Jean.

"Where's everyone else?" You asked Connie.

"Most likely in the cave."


"It's downstairs, come on." Connie grabbed your hand and started taking you to the basement.

Jean followed behind you and you could feel his eyes scanning you. Y'all walked down some stairs to reveal this huge lounge area.

It was lit by purple LEDs and it smelled like weed. You saw Luna and Mari playing a Racing game And Eren and Armin playing foosball. Mikasa was smoking and passing it around to the boys.

"Lemme get that." Connie walked over to Eren who had the blunt.

You couldn't sit near Luna and Mari because those guys from earlier were sitting watching the race. You sat not particularly close to anyone but jean sat next to you.

Connie and Mikasa joined the foosball game with Armin and Eren so that left you and Jean doing nothing.

"Hey, again." Jean said.

"Hey." You gave him a smile. You noticed he was holding a bag of chips. "Can I get some?"


You held out your hand for the chips but the sound of Sasha and the rest coming downstairs caught your attention.

"Hey con can I get a puff?" Sasha started touching Connie's back.

Connie shook her off and handed her the blunt so she could leave him alone. You watched that interaction and you could tell Connie was uncomfortable.

"He's a big boy he can handle it." Jean whispered.

"I know." You took your eyes off Connie to look at Jean.

He was already looking at you so you both made eye contact. It was kinda weird so you started laughing.

"I like what you did with your hair, It's cute."

"You need to stop complimenting me."

"Or what?" Jean raised an eyebrow.

"Jean stop flirting with her." Ymir said as she sat down beside you.

Mari turned her head but noticed Ymir was talking to you so she turned back around.

"Sorry about her." Historia sat down and Ymir started laying on her.

"It's fine." You smiled.

"Hey come with me to get something to drink." Jean said.

"Just go by yourself."

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