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Your due date is approaching quickly, two more weeks until you can see your baby. You've been secretly texting Lucas ever since the baby shower.

To you it wasn't cheating because all you two would talk about is your life and how things have been. It felt good to talk to someone who understood you like he did.

Lucas hasn't changed much since y'all been in high school. He really wanted to buy you breakfast but you were hesitant on going to meet him.

After Days of Lucas asking to see you again you finally agreed. It was 8am and you woke up before Connie. You didn't bother waking him up to tell him where you were going.

You put on a comfortable outfit, leggings and an oversized tee shirt. Then grabbed the keys and left the house. You met Lucas at a coffee shop downtown.

"Y/n, over here." He stood up and gathered your attention.

"Luke!" You walked over and gave him a hug.

"Hi little y/n." He touched your stomach.

That made you think of Connie and how he would say 'hi mini me' while rubbing your stomach. You let out a little chuckle then sat down.

"I got you a chocolate cupcake because you said you liked sweets." He sat next to you.

"Yeah well the baby does."

"Does Connie know you're here?"

"Uh..." you took a bite out of the cupcake.

"I'm gonna take that as a no."

"He was asleep and-"

You were cut off by the sound of your phone ringing. It was Connie and you had a couple of texts from him too. You put your phone on silent.

"So Luke, why did you want to meet up?"

"I just missed you. When I saw you at Dunkin' the other day it made me realize how much I loved you." He moved a little closer.


"I was in love with you y/n."

"Luke we were in high school."

"Which wasn't that long ago!"

You looked into his eyes and he was serious. You didn't notice how close he got until you felt his hand on the side of your face.

You felt his lips touch yours and they were soft. You haven't kissed another person in months. It felt like a new experience even though you've kissed him before. Your phone buzzed again then reality hit you.

"Back off." You pushed him back.

"I'm sorry, I know you and Connie are..."

"Yeah Luke this was a mistake. I'm sorry for coming, bye." You got up and started walking out of the shop.

Connie was blowing up your phone so you turned it off. Once you got in the car you sat there for a minute just thinking about what just happened.

'Should I tell him? No, no I can't do that.'

You walked inside the house and smelled food being made.

"Hi con." You say as you sit on the couch.

"Where'd you go!"

"I went to see a friend."

"It wasn't Luna or Mari. Who was it?" He started walking over.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, yes it does! Something could've happened to you or the baby!"


"Oh I know it was Lucas. You thought I wouldn't notice you texting him. He sounded sarcastic.

"Well I wasn't hiding it."

"What'd you do with him huh?" He sat next to you.

"nothing happened."

"Did he touch you? Or My baby? Did you touch him? Did y'all kiss? Have sex?"

"We didn't have sex!"

"Answer my other questions y/n."

"He kissed me but I pushed him off."

Connie started mumbling and cursing under his breath. You just watched him as he continued to talk under his breath.

"Is he a better kisser?" Connie grabbed you by your neck.


Connie roughly kissed you. The grip he had around your neck lightened but the movement of his lips got rougher. You liked this Connie, the harsh Connie that didn't care.

"Answer me." His voice was deep and angry.

"No, he's not!" You answered quickly.

You laid back on the couch and smirked at Connie.

"You sure you wanna do this? It's been a while." He said as he got in between your legs.

"It wouldn't hurt right?"

"Just a quicky to show you I'm here and you don't need anyone else."

You started laughing because what he said was so corny. He eventually cut you off with a kiss. He was awkwardly hovering above your stomach trying not to hit it.

He started pulling down your leggings and panties at the same time. Y'all haven't done anything freaky in a while so you were already wet just by him touching you.

He looked at you for approval before sliding inside. He thrusted a couple of times then something started to feel off.

"Y/n?"  He stopped moving.

You pushed him off and stood up. As soon as you got up liquid came pouring down your legs.

"What the fuck!" Connie yelled.

You stood there just watching the liquid then it hit you.

"My water broke!"

"But you're two weeks early what the fuck!" You could tell Connie was panicking.

"Calm down because you're making me scared! Just go get the to go bag and get a towel."

"Right, right!" Connie ran into the bedroom and you could hear him looking for the stuff.

"Hurry up!" You yelled.

"Here!" He handed you the towel.

You started wiping your legs then you placed it on the floor. You put on your panties and leggings while Connie put your crocs in front of you.

Connie had the bags wrapped around him. You grabbed his hand and y'all made your way out the house and to the car. Connie was shaking the whole time, he was really nervous.

You were a lot more calm than before. You pulled out your phone and called your Doctor, after that you called Jay.

"Are you ready?" You looked at him with the biggest smile on your face.

"Of course I am. I'm ready to see mini me."

Authors note :
Hey🤗 This is the moment we've all been waiting for!

Ps: vote and comment :)

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