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"I love you but I think it's best if we take a break."

"A-are you breaking up with me?"

"Ye- no!"

"Yes or no y/n?"

"No, I just think we need some time away from each other."

"Time away from each other? This really feels like you're breaking up with me."

"I'm not, I just think you're not ready to be with me or have a kid. You hurt me a lot and I just need time to think."

"I understand but why can't we just-"

"Connie we need a break and you know it."

"Yeah, Okay." He sighed and started to get out the car.

"I'll call you whenever I want to talk again."

He gave you a faint smile and then got out the car.

It felt like you were doing something wrong but you weren't. This was his fault, he brought this on himself, right?

It's been about two weeks since the beginning of the 'break' and you got a job at Starbucks with Luna. Your parents gave your card back and now you've proved to them that you can handle this.

They asked about Connie and you just told them he was focusing on school and that he has been to the first few appointments. You wanted to paint Connie as a saint because you didn't want your parents to hate him.

"Our next appointment we'll be able to see the baby!" Luna excitingly yelled.

"I know."

"Do you want me to come to your appointment?"

"No it's okay, Jay said he'll come."

"Are you gonna send Connie pictures? I'm sure he wants to see the baby."


"Y/n you know I really want you to be happy. You should hear him out."

Luna is the most optimistic person you know. She always wants her friends to be happy.

" I know Lulu."

"Jean and Mari got back together."

"They did?"

"Yeah they worked it out."

"That's good for them."

It seemed like your friends were happy with their relationships. What are the odds the first time you truly fall in love it's with a liar, cheater and deadbeat?

It was the day of your 12th week appointment. You were excited to finally see the baby. You just wished Connie could be there.

This break really helped you clear your mind. It's been a month with no contact with him. You wanted to know how he was doing but you didn't want to break the promise to yourself.

"I never thought I would be going to an appointment with my little sister." Jay laughed.

"You make it seem like I'm so little. I'm 19 Jay."

"19 with a baby. I can't say I'm super proud of you but I'm glad you got your shit together."

"Thanks that's so encouraging." You sarcastically say.

"I'm serious."


"You lied to mom and dad didn't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"They gave the card back and asked about Connie, you had to have told them nothing but good things or lies."

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