On Camera

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You were getting ready while Connie watched you from the bed.

"Nigga can you get dressed and stop staring."

"Say please."

You turned to him and gave him a death glare.

"Fine I'll get dressed, just don't kill me." He got up and started getting ready.

[Y/n and Connie's outfit]

[Y/n and Connie's outfit]

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[Jay and Nora's outfit]

[Jay and Nora's outfit]

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"Nora you look so good." You admired what she had on.

"Thank you, you look gorgeous too."

You just noticed she had an accent but you couldn't tell where it was from.

"You know where the titanic is?" Jay asked Connie.

"That new place downtown near the statue."

"Yeah that's it, meet us there."

"Ight, you ready?" Connie turned to you.

"It feels like I'm missing something." You ran back up the stairs to look for that missing piece.

You looked around for a bit then you found it. The promise ring he gave you. You haven't put it on in a while so you hope he'll notice.

"Aright I'm ready." You walked down the stairs.

He stared at you for a second. His eyes traveled your body then his eyes got big.

"Oh." He held out his left hand and you saw the matching diamond ring. It was your first time seeing it.

"How'd you notice such a small detail?"

"I notice everything." He laughed and started walking towards the door.

"Took y'all long enough." Jay said as he opened the door to the restaurant.

"That's because I let your sister drive." Connie chuckled.

"She drives so fucking slow!" Jay started laughing.

"Fuck y'all."

"It's okay y/n Jay thinks I drive slow too." Nora said.

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