Love me

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"Can you please watch her while I take a shower?" you walked in on Connie and he's on stream playing games.

"Yeah bring her bassinet." He didn't even look at you.

It's been like this for the past 3 months. He only watches Conarie on his time. He knows he's the only one who can keep her calm yet he picks and chooses when to help.

"Can you feed her?" You drug the bassinet with Arie in it to Connie's desk.


"And burp her."

"Y/n you act like I don't know what I'm doing."

"You don't do it enough so I have to remind you." You rolled your eyes.



He paused for a second.

"I'm sorry, I'll try harder."

"Please do." You left the room. You really needed some time for yourself.

After your shower you decided to leave the house and go walking. You didn't tell Connie you were leaving but as long as he had Arie you were fine.

You found yourself sitting at the park twisting the ring on your finger.

'Is this all life has to offer? A husband? A baby? A house? There's gotta be more.'

You started to think about when you and Connie first met. The day in the grocery store, a random dude hit you with his cart. Little did you know that guy would turn out to be your future husband and the father of your kid.

This wasn't fate it was planned. Fate had something else in mind but Connie stopped that. Were you regretting your decisions on a park bench? Yes, yes you were. Your 20 with a baby and a fiancé. To most that's all you need right?

You might not have had a plan when you met Connie but this, this wasn't your plan. You weren't regretting Conarie but the things that lead up to her and after.

You loved them both, Connie and Conarie but sometimes you wish you weren't the one he chose. Connie inserted himself in your life and basically screamed "love me!" And you did.

You didn't have any plans on leaving him, ever. This was just your thoughts running wild. The peacefulness of this part gave you time to think.

' I should go home.'

Its almost Christmas time. You had a polaroid camera out and you took pictures of everything.

Connie feeding conarie cookies she isn't supposed to have, the beautiful tree, the smile on your face.

"Hold her so we can take a picture."

"She hates the flash, use your phone."

"No I want the Polaroid picture."

He sighed and picked her up.

Y'all's matching pajamas could be seen in the picture. A knock at the door interrupted the little photo shoot.

"Hi!" You excitingly answered the door.

It was Luna, Armin and Landon.

"Come here Lanny." You unhooked him from the car seat. You smothered him with kisses and Luna did the same to Arie.

"They act like they haven't seen them for months." Armin laughed and sat down.

"Exactly." Connie sat next to him.

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