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"Hey." Connie said from across the table.

His smile was genuine and his eyes had a sense of worry to them.

"Hey." You gave him a half smile.

It was awkward because you both haven't seen each other for two weeks now. Avoiding him was something you couldn't do forever. Luna tried to get you to speak to him but it wouldn't work.

But today was the day you decided to let him out of the dark. Now you were sitting across from him at a cafe scared outta your mind.

"I missed you y/n." His voice was calm.

"You missed me?" You were taken aback by his words.

"Yeah, I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"I could say the same."

His smile grew larger.

Something was different about him. It wasn't the new stud he had in his nose or the new tattoo on his arm. His aura was different.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you, I just needed time to think."


"Well... I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant? With my baby?"

"Yes with your baby."

His smile faded.

"Do you want to keep it?"

"That's actually why I wanted to speak to you."

"Before you say anything I want to tell you how I feel about this."

"Go ahead."

Connie took a deep breath before looking at you in your eyes.

"I take full responsibility for this. If you keep the baby I want to be there, for everything. The appointments, the shopping, the birth. I want to be a dad. But if not I'm fine with that too. It's all up to you but I hope my words helped you."

Those words put your wondering mind at ease. You didn't know how well Connie would take it but hearing him say that made you feel confident about your choice.

"It makes me happy to hear that because I was planning on keeping it."

Connie's smile returned to his face.

"That's not the only think I gotta say... Y/n will you be my girlfriend?"

Your heart skipped a beat. You were glad he asked you because you didn't want to be just someone's baby mama you wanted to be more than that.

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend."

"Well You're not just my girlfriend now. You're my future wife." He let out a small chuckle.

"Okay so now that that's over, what's with all this?" You pointed to his nose piercing and tattoo.

"The boys wanted me to cheer up so they got me drunk as fuck then took me to a tattoo shop to get all this done."

"Cheer up? What was wrong?"

"Not speaking to you and not knowing if I was gonna have a baby really fucked with me ya'know?"

"I'm sorry about that. I was just scared."

"I understand."

"Oh shit are you free Friday night?"

"Uh yeah, why?"

"How would you like to meet my parents?"

"So soon?"

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