Slow down

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After what seemed like forever y'all finally pulled up to a restaurant.

"Have you been here?" Connie said as he unhooked his seat belt.


Connie kept looking over his shoulder and out the window like he was looking for something or someone. Before you could even say anything a loud knock came from the window next to you.

"Hey!" Armin and Luna yelled while knocking on the windows.

"They scared the fuck outta me." You said while holding your chest.

Connie laughed and shook his head.

"Y/n!" Luna gave you a hug when you got out the car.

"Hi Lulu, hi Armin." You said while hugging her back.

You saw Armin and Connie dap each other up and Connie said something that made Armin cover his face.

"That's so gay." You whispered.

"I know right." Luna whispered back then you both started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Connie wrapped his arm around you.

"Nothing." You tried holding in your laugh.

You could still see a tint of pink on Armin's face.

'I kinda wanna know what he said to him.'

Once you got into the restaurant you noticed how nice it looked. Connie walked up to the blonde haired hostess.

"Do you have a reservation?" The girl spoke up.

"Yes it's under Connie springer."


"She said it'll be a couple minutes." Connie turned around.

You sat next to Luna in the little waiting area so you could talk to her.

"Did you tell him?" You whispered.

"Yes! He was really happy."

"That's good, I'm glad that worked out for you."

"Was Connie really happy too?"

"I wouldn't say happy but I wouldn't say upset either. That goes for me too."

"Why? I thought you wanted the baby."

"I do but then I realized I don't even know him. Unlike you and Armin, me and Connie know nothing about each other."

"Maybe if you would stop avoiding him and actually speak to him you'll start to know more."

"I know but I've only known him for like two months you've known Armin for like a year."

"True but still, give him a chance. Talk to him, get to know him as a person! Stop pushing him away and maybe you'll fall in love."

"You're right."

"I know I am."

"Your table is ready, Mr. Springer ." The blonde girl said.

Y'all got up and started to follow her. You and Connie were in the back.

"Springer, huh?"

"You like it? It's gonna be yours soon."

"Yeah it's cute. Y/n Springer kinda has a ring to it."

"It does." He chuckled.

You followed the girl up some stairs until you got to a roof top. Surprisingly the sky was filled with stars which made it a perfect night to be up there.

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