Good bit

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"Hey Connie?" You whispered.


"Oh you're awake!"

"Yeah I can't sleep. What you want though?"

"I was thinking... so like is connie your real name or?"

"Yes it is. Why do you ask?" He laughed.

"It reminded me of that girl from The promised neverland."

"Um her name was conny not connie."

"You literally said the same thing."

"Uh no I didn't! Her name was spelled 'ny' not 'ie' like mine."

You started giggling under the covers.

"Why were you thinking of me?"

"It was just a quick thought that popped into my head don't feel special."

You lied. He's been on your mind ever since he got in the bed with you.

He hummed in response then the room fell back to silence. Your edible was really hitting and you were getting kinda horny.

After about 10 minutes you didn't hear anything or feel any movements from connie's side it the bed. You started slowly moving backwards until you nearly hit Connie on the other side of the bed.

"Y/n?" He whispered.

You tried to pretend like you were asleep as you were slowly moving closer and closer. You suddenly felt his hands grab onto your lower back stoping you from hitting his crotch.

"Yo y/n!"

"Yeah?" You made your voice sound like you were asleep. You turned around to face him. Your faces were inches away from each other.

"Could you uh move over?" You felt his breath hit your face.

"Why?" You moved a little closer.

Your eyes adjusted to the dark and you saw him look down before he said something.

"I'm gonna fall off the bed."

Before you could even respond you felt something brush up against your leg. You looked down and saw a noticeable boner.

"Oh-" You looked back up at him.

"My fault y/n." He chuckled a little and tried to cover his dick with his hands.

You pushed him over onto his back and got on top of him.

"Need a little help?" You laughed.


"Let's just finished what we started." You bent down to whisper in his ear.

"Ight." You felt his breath on your neck.

You started kissing and sucking on his neck. He had one hand on your ass and the other was sliding up your shirt.

You continued to leave hickeys all over his neck while he unhooked your bra. You got off of him so you could take off your shirt and turn on the LED lights.

"Take 'em off." Connie pointed to your shorts.

You let out a giggle then made the lights red.

[A/n: The red LEDs are goated!]

Out the corner of your eye you saw him take off his shirt. You threw the remote on the nightstand and quickly took off your shorts.

You were only left in your panties. Connie gestured for you to sit back on him. You started straddling him and he made the first move.

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