One night stand?

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"Y/n why you look like you just got hit by a bus?" Luna asked as you walked into the living room.

"Long story." You walked into the kitchen to make some cereal.

"I'm all ears! Armin is asleep so." She got up and followed you.

"Well actually it's not a long story."

"Just spill the tea!"

"Hey!" Mari yelled while walking out of her room.

"You're so fucking loud and for what?"

"She probably got her some dick!" Luna yelled.

"I did but y/n looks like she got some too."

"That's what I was trying to get into before you interrupted." You grabbed your bowl of cereal and walked back into the living room.

"Whatever." Mari rolled her eyes.

"So as y'all can see Connie isn't on the couch." You said in between bites.

"Mhm." Mari and Luna both hummed.

"I let him sleep with me and you know when I'm high I get horny so-"

"You let Ronnie fuck!"

"Luna say Ronnie more fucking time and I'll glue your lips shut."

"Damn my bad."

"Is he a one night stand or Nah?" Mari asked.

"You already know the answer to that."

"I get that you don't want to fall in love but you can't keep all these guys in the dark."

"Luna you're one to talk." Mari laughed.

"Armin knows how I feel about him. I just wish he would do something." Luna whispered the last part.

"How neither of y'all wear the pants in the relationship?" You chuckle.

"At least we have a relationship!"

"Whatever."'you got up to wash the bowl and spoon.

"I think you should give Connie a chance. He seems nice." Mari followed you.

"Right okay."

Connie pov:

'Where's she go?'

"Why are they texting the groupchat?"

"Why are they texting the groupchat?"

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