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You opened the door to the house and walked in. Connie followed behind and took off his shoes.

"You can sit on the couch I'll be right back."

You ran up the stairs leaving him alone. You quickly found the blunts you rolled a few days prior.

"I'm back." You say walking down the stairs.

"So you live here by yourself?"

"Yes and no." You walk to the couch and sit two spaces away.

"What does that mean?"

" technically this is my parents house but their never here so."

"Ahh I see. You must get lonely."

"I mean sometimes but I have my lovely friends to comfort me."

He nods and starts looking around your house. You grab the lighter if the coffee table and lit one of the blunts.

Out the corner of your eye you could see Connie start to relax a bit. He started manspreading while his eyes wondered your house.

You inhaled the blunt slowly with your eyes closed and you blew the smoke out your nose. You handed it to Connie, his lips formed a smile as he pressed the blunt to them.

You watched him and he watched you. Your eyes met a couple of times as y'all passed the blunt around in a comfortable silence.

"You want the last hit?" Connie asked.

"Nah that's all you." You giggled.

He finished up and you two were sitting there enjoying your high. His eyes were low and red which made him sexier.

You didn't know what it was about him that made him so attractive.

The same way you were studying him he was doing the same to you. You didn't realize that you moved close to him until his warm hand touched your face.

"You're so beautiful y/n."

You couldn't tell if it was his high talking or if he actually meant that but you weren't trying to find out. You leaned in and kissed him.

It was simple at first but quickly turned into a heated make out session. You weren't sure if you wanted to take things farther but you didn't want to ruin the moment.

You placed one arm around his neck and pulled him deeper into the kiss. He started slowly inching his hand up your body.

You were now sure that this was gonna end as a one night stand but you were fine with that. You weren't looking for anything not even a friends with benefits.

"Uh I gotta go shawty." He broke the kiss.

His face was a tint of pink and he was panting a little bit. You weren't sure what stopped him but you didn't want to confront him.

"Uh okay."

"Give me your number." He held out his phone for you to grab.

You take his phone and put your number in.

"Drive safe." You said as he walked down your front steps towards his car. He gave you a small wave and got in the car.

'What the fuck was that.'

You were tired, hungry and horny. You decided to grab some fruit snacks and go to bed.

+Time skip+

You woke up to some noise in your house.

'Did someone break in? No no the alarm would've went off! What if they cut the alarm? Fuck!'

You grabbed your baseball back that you kept in your room and slowly made your way to the stairs.

You looked down to see Luna making breakfast.


"Oh fuck! Y/n don't scare me like that!"

"Bitch you were the one who scared me! How did you even get in!" You walked down the stairs.

"The key under the brick Duh!"

"You should've called or something. Shouldn't you be with Armin."

"Oh yeah I have a lot to tell you."

"Go ahead spill it." You sat down as she continued to cook.

"Mari texted me and said don't come home and you already know what that means."

You hummed in response.

"So I went back to Armin's place and we chilled for a bit. Then we had sex for the first time."

Your eyes widened at those words.

"Woah so you're telling me through out the 3 plus weeks you've known him last night was your first time?"

"Yeah he likes to take it slow and I appreciate that."

"Okay so you're still not telling me how you ended up here."

"Oh right. So after I felt weird staying at his place so I asked him to take me here."

"Lulu really? You left him because you felt weird staying one night with him." You gave her a disappointed face.

"I mean I didn't want to leave him but i was so used to fucking and dipping right after."

"He's different bestie. I saw the way he looks at you! He obviously likes you a lot."

"Damn." Luna's face turned red.

"I'm sure he wanted you to stay with him but he did what you felt comfortable with."

"You're right. So what happened with you and Ronnie?"

"Connie And nothing happened. Well not really."

"Ouu tell me everything."

"Okay we got here and I felt bad for just leaving him so I invited him to smoke with me."

"Okay okay and then what?"

"We kissed for a little bit and I thought we were gonna go all the way but he stopped before we could even get the chance."

"He did what? Why?"

"I don't know but I didn't question it."

"If I were him I would've fucked you. Does he know who he just passed up?!"

"Exactly! I was looking like a whole ass snack but he decided to starve."

"Did anything else happen?"

"I just gave him my number but that was pretty much it."

"Mmm I see. You should text him."

"I will, later."

+Time skip+

Luna finally went home and you were about to get your day started. You started the shower and went to get your phone. You saw a text from Connie pop up and you clicked it by accident.


"I'll respond when I get out the shower

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"I'll respond when I get out the shower."

Authors note:
I'm binge reading Tokyo revengers so I been forgetting to write 😭😭

I barely edited this chapter so if there's any mistakes my bad😬

Ps: vote and comment :)

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