30 minutes

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[A/n: This chapter is kinda long so be prepared! It's almost 3,000 words. Get some popcorn or some shit and enjoy🤗]

"Hello?" Connie answered the phone with a deep raspy voice.

"Phew That'll make ya pussy throb." You laughed.

"Why is your pussy throbbing? It's early in the morning." Connie was half asleep.

"Oh my god." You face palmed.

"Thanks for waking me up, I gotta go."

He hung up before you could say anything else to him.

'That was weird.'

You had a long day and night a head of you so you just brushed it off.

"Y/n come eat." Jay knocked on your door.

You got up and put on some clothes from your floor. You got downstairs and everyone was fully dressed like they were ready to leave. You sat down without saying a word.

"Were leaving in 10 minutes so you'll be here by yourself." Your dad announced.


Y'all ate in silence then one by one they left the house. You tried calling Connie a couple of times but he didn't answer.

'And he gets mad when I don't call him.'

You started doing your skin care routine because that normally took a long time.

"Hey." You said as you answered the Group FaceTime.

"Sup." Mari dryly said.

"Hi!" Luna basically yelled.

"Lulu where are you?" You asked because her background was different.

"Armin's house." Her face started to turn red.

"Ohhhh okay." You started smirking.

"She hasn't been home for like 5 days. Armin must got that good dick, huh?" Mari laughed.

"What?" You heard a voice come from Luna's side.

"Oh my god! Mari he was right here!" Luna face palmed.

"My bad, but it's true though, right?" Mari shrugged.

You watched them bicker back and forth like they normally did while you were applying a face mask.

"How are things with you and Connie?"

"Uh good I think."

"What do you mean?" Luna looked concerned.

"I don't know he's just been acting weird. Oh and I found out Sasha is his ex! I'm pretty sure he wasn't gonna tell me if I didn't find out."

"Niggas ain't shit." Mari scoffed.

"How was he acting weird?"

"I called him this morning and 20 seconds into the call he hangs up on me."

"He's cheating, simple. Jean did the same thing to me and that's why we got into that argument."

"That's why!?" You screamed.

"Yeah he cheated so I broke up with him right after he hung up on me."

"Mari I-"

"Save it y/n. Just be careful."

"I think you shouldn't jump to conclusions just ask him about it." Luna added.

"I will, I'll call y'all later."

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