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"Come sit down."

You walked into the house and your parents were sitting there with jay. Your parents looked calm and that was weird.

You sat on the couch near Jay.

"What do you want?" You said.

"We've been talking..." your mom started.


"We're not going to kick you out but you need to prove yourself. Get a job and keep it." Your dad said before getting up and going upstairs.

Your mom got up and held her hand out.


"The card."

You pulled the card out of your purse and handed it to her.

"Once you get a job you can get it back." She walked away with the card.

"What was that?" You turned to jay in complete shock.

"I vouched for you. I told them you weren't a kid anymore and that you should be able to handle this. I convinced them not to kick you out and that you should keep the car to ya'know get a job."

"Thank you, I love you." You gave him a hug.

"I love you too."

"I'm starving, can you buy me some food?" You gave him puppy dog eyes.

"You lucky I'm hungry too. So how's Connie? I'm sorry about what happened to him." Jay said while scrolling through door dash.

"He's fine I think. We're kinda on a break." You lied Because you didn't want jay to get all worked up. It was better for you to keep it a secret.

"Damn, I'm sure everything will be fine with you two."

"I hope so." You whispered.

"I sent the picture to the group chat. Just look at them, boo'd up." You rolled your eyes.

"Oh my god." Luna gasped.

"I'm so sorry." Mari looked upset.

"Nah it's cool, I beat her ass before I left."

"Say sike!" Mari's face completely changed.

"I was on her ass like." You got and propped up your phone so you could show them how you were hitting her.

"Was she bleeding?" Luna sounded concerned.

"Yup, her face was covered in blood."

"What happened after the fight?" Mari was intrigued.

"I walked up to Connie and punched him in his jaw."

They both started laughing.

"Jean was just standing there like a deer in headlights."

"Jean was there?"Mari asked.

"Duh, he was the one that let me in!"

"Oh." Mari got quiet after that.

"Mari, it's okay to miss him." Luna said

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