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Everyone eventually left y'all house and that left you and Connie alone in the apartment. You were laying on the couch and scrolling through your phone.

"You hungry?" Connie came and he lifted your feet and put them on his lap.

"Yeah, you gonna buy something?"

"Anything you want?"


"Really?" He sounded kinda annoyed.

Anytime he would ask you what you wanted you would reply with pancakes or French toast. The baby started kicking more when you ate it so you assumed she liked it.

You looked away from your phone to look at him.

"She likes pancakes." You pointed to your stomach.

"The doctor said you need to eat healthier-"

"I don't care! Get me pancakes!" You yelled at him.

He sighed and rubbed his temple.

"Fine." He picked up his phone to start ordering the food.

Y'all sat there in silence. You started to feel bad for yelling at him.

"Sorry." You whispered.


"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I know how you get." He gave you a kiss on the forehead.

"It's not though. I shouldn't be yelling at you over something so little."

"If you didn't get the pancakes then you would give me the silent treatment. I just wanna give you what you want."

"You probably hate me for that."

"I don't. I wanna keep you happy." He smiled.

"I wanna keep you happy too." You got up and straddled him.

"You do?" He started smirking.

You started kissing his neck earning a few moans from him. He let you suck on his neck leaving dark hickeys on him. He loved having your mark on him. It proved he was yours.


"Hmmm?" You hummed on his neck.

"I gotta piss." He moved you away from him.

"Piss in my mouth." You stuck out your tongue.

His jaw dropped and he was completely shocked.

"I'm just kidding." You got off of him so he could go.

"Just know I'm freaky but not that freaky." He chuckled and went to the bathroom.

He left his phone on the couch and that gave you an idea. You went looking for something specific and you found it. You hurried up and did what you needed to do then grabbed your phone to pretend like you were on it the whole time.

"Sorry for ruining the moment." He came out the bathroom.

"This wasn't your first time."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He sat next to you.

"You remember the night of the party? We got high then started messing around and-"

"Yeah I remember."

"What did you do after? You never told me."

"I went home and smoked again. I regretted leaving."

"What was the reason?"

"I didn't want to just fuck you and that be the end. I wanted this, Us."

"It's starting to seem like you planned this." You jokingly said.

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