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You woke up to a bright light in your face. Slowly opening your eyes you see the sunlight. You knew this wasn't your room because you had black out curtains that hid the sun.

The smell of strong cologne hit your nose as soon as the door opened.

"Con?" You sleepily said while rubbing your eyes.

"Hi." He said as he looked through his clothes.

"Why are we at your place?"

"You don't remember? We came here because I needed clothes but you fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you up."

"Oh yeah."you start to remember the night you had.

You remember dancing all night with Everyone. Mari took a lot of pictures and you could've swore connie was gambling with Jay and the boys, even Asher.

Your feet were hurting a lot so you started to massage them. Connie got done putting on his clothes and he came and laid next to you.

"You want me to do it?" He asked.

"Yes!" You adjusted yourself so that your feet were on his lap.

He grabbed onto your feet and started massaging. It felt really good, so good that you let out a few noises. You threw your head back and closed your eyes. His hands were doing wonders.

"We need to talk." You said still with your eyes closed.

"This doesn't sound good." He started pouting.

"I can hear you pouting."

"You know me so well." He chuckled.

"Not well enough."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know you. Who is Connie Springer? You never talk about anything personal." You looked at him.

"Oh..." his face noticeably got sadder.

"Tell me please." Your tone was softer.

"My mom and siblings, Sunny and Martin died five years ago. I haven't spoke to my dad in a while. It's not like I want to see him anyways-"


"Let me finish. I'm Trinidadian and German. Um my favorite color is orange. My middle name is saint."


"Yeah. Who in their right minds names their kid Constance saint springer? My parents were definitely on crack."

It seemed he didn't really want to talk about himself. You did just abruptly ask.

"You want to know who I am? This is who I am. Now I'm curious who's Y/n L/n?"

"My parents suck ass, but you know that. Growing up it was kinda like I had no parents at all. Jay is my only sibling and he's the only person who cares about me."

"Not true!"

"He was the only person who cared about me." You put an emphasis on was.

Connie started smiling showing off his beautiful white teeth. The sun was shining on his face and you could see those faint freckles scattered across his face. He looked at you and made eye contact with you.

His hazel eyes were sparkling in the light. He had the most genuine smile on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked.

"I love you."

His ears started to turn red then eventually his tan face had a tint of pink on it.

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